It's been remarked around here that there's a HYUGE number of fireworks going off at night. My theory, seriously, is that drug dealers who are having trouble with their normal supply have branched out into the illegal boom-boom trade.
Not that you can't just drive up to the NH border (~66 miles) and buy your own.
I think my neighbors with fireworks are moving! Yay!
So my birth sisters husband makes low income senior housing in my area. I kind of want to get my mother in, but how weird is that? I am not sure she should be living alone in a house anymore, but she is so resistant, especially around smoking. I am also thinking about moving out there if we can continue to work from home, because I can work from there, but we super duper do not get along.
My favorite B&J flavor is Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz.
It's hard to negotiate senior needs for support and independence.
The contractor doing the work at my house has been here at about 7:40 each day to either drop off materials or as of yesterday, start work. Today, the day I want to leave the house - he's not here.
Not that you can't just drive up to the NH border (~66 miles) and buy your own.
Or Rhody. The local Walmart has a whole aisle full of them.
Yesterday I was out and about around 10 a.m., and there was way more traffic than I have gotten used to. Bother.
Don't move in with your mother, Sophia!
Also note that a can of wine is actually HALF A BOTTLE OD WINE AND NOW I. DRU J
I have work to review before a noon meeting, but I'd love to be the last person reviewing, but I feel like the other people will be thinking the same thing! Maybe I'll watch a Queer Eye, get in the hammock for a few and work at like 11?
Don't move in with your mother, Sophia!
This. 1000x this. nearby maybe, but not the same place or even building.
The best B&J is the oatmeal cookie one.
Karamel Sutra is my favorite Ben & Jerry's. Also, Half Baked.
I do not prefer Ben & Jerry's because their aesthetic is Big Chunks. That said, I do enjoy Americone Dream.
Lately we've focused on supporting the Ice Cream Bar so we've had a lot of their Caramelized Honey ice cream, and Butterscotch in the fridge.