My "can't read" mind shifted 180 to "must read. Bring Hamlet. Bring literature. Bring sci-fi. I need to hear these voices". I think that with so much violence and despair, I need to hear the humanity. The hope. To the point where I prioritize it over school work, which is problematic but can't be done without hope.
Same, but prioritizing over my work, not school. I've been sitting reading while DH watches the news. I don't even hear it because I get completely absorbed in the pages.
In over-reaction news one of my medical practices in Boca Raton had to close at 4 yesterday because their building (all medical) was going to lock up at 5 because of protests. They are miles from downtown in suburbia.
And in every day gets more unreal, the bible photo-op yesterday is right up there with the most ridiculous displays from this clown. Peaceful DC protesters gassed for this absurd display of cluelessness.
I just did a round of places to give posting on FB. I am going to try and stay on here more and more. You people are sane and a fucking goddamn delight.
MAY I CURSE VERY EMPHATICALLY the people using fireworks during protests and setting them off in quiet neighborhoods throughout the night. FUCK THOSE PEOPLE. ALSO FUCK RACIST WAR MONGERING KILLER COPS. AND DOUBLY FUCK OUR POS "leader".
The head of my division today declared a social justice holiday. All meetings canceled and we're supposed to use the time to support Black Lives Matter and local protest groups in whatever way we can. For folks in the city it means they can take time off to protest in person, but for those of us stuck out in the burbs I would much rather be distracting myself with work than falling deeper into the quicksand of despair that is Twitter today. Donating to bail funds doesn't take that much time.
No, we really are. Get a crash cart in here. She's coding.
This is so relevant right now. I spent yesterday in a hospital waiting room while a friend who is getting treated for cancer was getting a surgical procedure done. Another person in the clinic coded--they were literally yelling for a doctor and a crash cart and it was all scary and shit.
It was NOT my friend. She came out fine. It just took us twice as long in there. I'm still worried for her--she lives alone and has been fighting this damned shit for 9 years. Bleh.
And then Liv got all freaked out about *waves hands* all this.
Oh, and an acquaintance from high school got all butt-hurt because I defriended here for posting "all lives matter."
I am Lisa's Seething Ball of Rage.
Seething Ball of Rage seems appropriate.
I had a cousin comment on a FB post DH put up with his construction work on the front of the house. She said "You of all people should
Not have an American flag on their house." He ignored her. I'm sure I unfriended her years ago. Kid is like 12 (eta:11-1/2 I checked), but filled with right wing propaganda compliments of her demented parents.
Jess, maybe [link] can provide some way you could do something? I hear you on the distraction of work. Even while the normality and mundanity of work is super fucking weird right now
Jess that's awesome that they're doing something though.
Jess, maybe [link] can provide some way you could do something?
Thanks for that, I'll share it with the rest of the team.
Thanks, Jess.
I am at work but my productivity is for shit.
I'm paying attention to FB mostly because my great nephew's wife is probably giving birth today, making my sister a great-grandmother. She's been begging to be induced for weeks and apparently the doctor gave in today. They are supposedly trying a couple other things first, but she is in the hospital.
So I've been watching my about to be a grandmother niece's page, and she's talking about supervolcano activity. Because we are just running short on that list of crises.