Rumor is (as in rumors from journalists backed by tests data, not as in official statement from government) that after we started re-opening here three weeks ago (NOT carefully enough), we have started a second wave. Over 100 new people were diagnosed today in a few clusters, which is the designated stop signal for the re-opening. Sigh.
I have my parents coming over tomorrow for lunch and I'm not gonna cancel that because who knows how long will it be until the next time I'll be able to see them and I didn't see them for more than a few minutes since late February, but I am gonna sit two meters apart and make them wear masks (when not eating) and make them wash their hands.
(A friend just reminded me that a t-shirt of mine is still with her from a demonstration we went to together back when the whole thing started, over two months ago. I absolutely forget that ever happened.)
Thank you for the amyth update, javachik.
Yes, javachik, thank you.
Amy, thank you for mentioning it here. I often forget to look at Beep Me and Press.
Amyth, if you pop in here, I love you, and I'm pulling for you.
Thank you, javachik.
Amyth, buckets upon buckets of love and health~ma.
Thinking of amyth here.
I haven't brought myself to watch any of the video of the MN police killing, but the description is enough to make me want to burn down at least one police station.
I saw a report that he's actually been arrested.
Oh, you're welcome. I am back for a minute to update the update, because things change quickly in Amyth world!
Timelies all!
More health~ma for Amyth.
Thinking about amyth. Scary news. Hoping and praying that she'll be all right.
Thinking about Floyd. Thinking about the world. I need to go watch some dumb movie with a happy ending and stop thinking for a while. I want to say, What Cindy Said, so eloquently, about looting.
Thanks for the updates, javachik. Jeez, I hope they figure out what to do and whatever that is works great! Vibing hard amyth-ward
I'm supposed to be working for another hour and a half but I don't really see that happening. Doing a lot of staring at the screen, maybe trying to remember what I was doing, maybe just staring.