It's 73 degrees here at 7 am and I'm miserable. I can't get my bedroom cooler than 72, and that's 4 degrees above my comfort zone.
I'm hot all the time now. Damn hot flashes. I had no idea it was possible to be so hot without actually bursting into flame.
I've been blessed again by a well shaded house. It's 75 here, but my house is still cool. I am already running A/C though. I switched my unit to A/C & Heat about a week ago. I also turned it completely off for a couple of days and had the back door open in the afternoon. Last night it was up to 78 in here before I realized and turned it back on.
It was so humid I turned the AC on Wednesday evening ... couldn't stand the damp.
I put my bedroom AC on for a little bit last night to see if it worked, snd also to blow out the dust that's accumulated. Mostly the big box fan in the window was adequate, though.
Finally cooled off overnight, here.
The thingy was saying that next year is the target year, but this is the early birds, so next year will be the big year, I guess?
This year is Brook IX (on time) + some of Brood X (1 year early), so in places where their territories overlap, there will be cicadas everywhere. (That's what happened in 1986 and it SUCKED.)
(Or maybe it was 1987 and it was Brood X + latecomers from Brood IX? Either way you couldn't walk outside without 6 or 7 of them landing on you and it was very very gross all the time.)
I used to live in the cicada zone. What an awful noise they made. When I was little I thought it was coming from the power lines.
Now I live in a place where it gets so hot the cats turn into limp ribbons lying,on the floor near the fan.
Well, I live in what's basically a reclaimed swamp, so the humidity is horrible. A writer for the Boston Globe, posted in DC, wrote a book called "It Came From The Swamp". Her comment on the air quality in the summer was, "it's like trying to breathe clam broth" (which I quote a lot when it reaches that point).
I'm about to unfriend a bunch of people on Facebook because they're clutching their pearls over the audacity of people rioting because they've been systematically dehumanized and murdered by the people in power. That riots are just an excuse to loot. That it's hypocrisy to try to "rank" whether murder or a riot is worse.
Jesus Franklin Lloyd Wright Christ. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Ugh, Tep. Even if I were inclined to entertain the "oh no looting" mindset (which I am not and I am grateful I haven't had it dumped on me yet today) it's pretty obvious that murder is worse!