a rambling meara:
I am doing a ton of data entry today at work and just came to the most awesome name, Marvel Outlaw!!
Excellent name! When I worked as a medical claims adjuster, way back when, I kept a list of all the strange and especially cool names I came across. The one I still remember was Kosmyk Moses. Oh, and a baby named INXS, which had all the older ladies I worked with confused as to how to pronounce it. Eye-nix-ess?
He knew I was a dick when he married me.
It's strawberry season
Our local farmer's market has rearranged itself into a drive-through. I think I'll go Saturday morning and get some strawberries.
Farmers are morning people.
The day starts at 5am or sunrise, whichever is earlier. Maybe 3am if something's having babies. I left the farm with no desire to ever be a farmer. Farming is a 24/7/365 job, and I'm lazy.
Aaron and Erin should be pronounced differently.
Yes, and Dawn and Don should too.
I don't know if my Indian neighbors named their son Arun or Aaron. His father is Indian-from-Indian-family and his mother is Indian-adopted-and-raised-by-white-Southerners, so really it could be either. I suspect it's Arun chosen because white Southerners wouldn't have trouble pronouncing it. I cannot remember what they named their baby girl and I'm too ashamed to ask again.
I only have like 3 vowel sounds, but I can make almost anything 2 syllables if I'm getting my Texan on.
Ha! In a Southern accent, everything has at least two syllables.
I have played in dirt!
I need to play in dirt. Since I got injured, I haven't done much with my yard; if not for the guy who mows for me, it would be a wilderness. Under the pine trees, I used to gather their fallen needles in the autumn and spread over the bed under the trees, but I haven't done that in threee years, and now the pine straw bed is getting thin and green stuff is poking through. I don't want to use herbicides, but I don't think I can pull all this up by hand. And I can't find any pine straw for sale. I feel bad that it looks so neglected, but I don't know what to do about it. Hire someone, I guess, but I can't really afford non-necessities right now.
Well, I certainly picked the right time to stop coloring my hair. I now have about an inch of white hair at the roots, but the auburn is hanging on amazingly.
I also have an inch or more of white hair now. I can't decide if I want to let it grow out (I did once before, but it made me feel old, and probably will again) or if I want to keep dying it. My BF said, do what makes you happy! which is nice but the only thing that will make me happy is to have the hair I had 20 years ago. Lacking that, I don't know what to do with it. I've never eally fussed with my hair, and now if I don't fuss with it, it looks awful (and sometimes when I do fuss with it).
Just curious, about how many people wear masks when you are at a store these days?
As of tomorrow, it's required by law here. I went to the office Wednesday, wearing a mask, and the two other people there also were wearing masks. Two customers came by, one masked, the other not but staying well away from me.
My office is still set to re-open June 11, and I don't want to go back. I'm in the high-risk group, as are three of my coworkers, and I'm praying the Board will decide to keep the doors shut. We're doing fine working from home and holding meetings online, and it hasn't significantly impacted our revenue AFAIK. (One of my co-workers, a fairly young man, has had three heart attacks, and another co-worker, a fairly young woman, just had a heart attack last week. Another is over 60, and another just had a baby in February. I don't think any of us should be in the office.)
I'd recommend the new board only be readable by registered users.
I think that would be a good idea, at least for the immediately foreseeable future.