My little bodega is FULL of people not masking. I am a hand sanitizer crazy person after I visit. Also my downstairs neighbor had someone over on Monday, but I could just hear them, and they could be distancing.
I am so lucky to be able to work from home, because it is really the bus that seems like a terrible idea to me, even if masked. Our building is still semi-closed, and completely closed to students.
A lot of stores here who were doing free or low cost contactless delivery are not allowing it anymore, so for example I am having a challenge getting some nice dirt for my garden. Walking distance requires some sort of wagon, other things require Uber or Bus or getting a ride from a friend. I am considering asking Maria to pick up and drop off a curbside delivery from Home Depot, because one bag of soil will cost me $89 to have delivered!
Going to the grocery and the pharmacy here in San Antonio, I see about 90-95% masked at both, with PA announcements about it.
Who's watching the NASA Livestream!?
Who's watching the NASA Livestream!?
From a somewhat local perspective I can't imagine the weather cooperating. I hope it changes, and I'll go out side and watch for sure if it launches. The storms the last few days, and forecast for later today have been pretty brutal. Thanks for the reminder to open the livestream so I don't get busy with something else and miss it!
Who's watching the NASA Livestream!?
I am now... (thanks for the reminder)
most people pull it on when they pass within six feet of another person
This drives me CRAZY - didn't we spend all of First March learning not to touch our faces??
I suppose there are exceptions, but what I generally see are people grabbing it on the corners by their ears and sliding it down and up or hooking and unhooking one ear. They're not touching their faces.
I just got back from a quick trip to the UPS store near me (Texas), in a little strip shopping center. And, of the people I saw in the store and other nearby mom-and-pop franchise shops, pretty much noone was wearing masks. There was only 1 other customer (of maybe 10 all told) with a mask on and none on any of the staff in the UPS store or what I could see of other stores.
This didn't surprise me, knowing Texas, but did reaffirm my decision to go out as little as possible. In fact, if I hadn't already committed to returning via UPS, I'd've turned around, walked out, and tried to find a better option. As it was, I tried to social distance as much as possible, came home, washed my hands, and will have to hope for the best.
Needless to say, there were signs outside the stores (presumably from corporate) about masks, social distancing, and whatnot. Just no one paying attention.
I'm guessing maybe 75% of people in my part of Texas? Maybe a little higher at the grocery store, a little lower when we pick up food from a restaurant.
there were signs outside the stores (presumably from corporate) about masks
I would be writing to corporate about that store.
NASA Livestream - It's bad enough we had to listen to Elon Musk, but now Air Force One shows up?!?
Have people seen the video of a Costco employee refusing to let a man without a mask buy things? Seemingly he posted it and has received a good deal of support.