Fuck, my BP is stupid low, not just for a Lang, but for a human (89/62). I'd been getting some lightheadedness and dizziness on and off for a couple (few?) weeks and assumed that they were stress-related. I didn't take my BP because I am (1) a dumbass who (2) figured a Lang would never have low BP during a fucking mega-stress-inducing global crisis. But Tim shamed me into it (I excel at adulting, having to be shamed into monitoring my health) and then made me re-take it 3 times because it was so low. Then he took his to be sure the BP monitor worked right (SPOILER: it did).
Guess I can stop the BP meds for the time being. Jesus.
I used to walk past that house all the time when I lived on Annunciation. Also, down the street from Frankie and Johnny's
Looks like a great neighborhood between St. Charles Streetcar and Magazine Street with Audobon Park nearby.
I am awaiting UPS. I'm getting up to look out the window anytime I hear a truck and the UPS website says it's still out for delivery, so I guess we'll see.
My uncle, a man who bought handguns after President Obama was elected and named his dogs after Reagan and Thatcher, has been sending my dad right-wing conspiracy theory videos. My mom has been showing my dad Snopes, and apparently my uncle has been claiming that you can't trust Snopes because it's run by Democrats.
My uncle's behavior is not surprising to me at all, but I kind of need him not to bring my dad into his bullshit.
Sophia, I am trying to get my sister to ship me a case of hand sanitizer. She works for a supply chain/chemical packaging company and they switched some of their production lines to sanitizer. If she comes through I can send some out.
Ugh, shrift.
It's near the Whole Foods, Hec (the new Whole Foods which is probably no longer the new Whole Foods but is definitely not the old one over by the fairgrounds), which might tell you a lot about the neighborhood. Definitely was a nice place to walk the dog!
I've been getting my hand sanitizer from the liquor store. Apparently St Augustine Distillery has switched over some facilities to making little 2-ounce bottles of it.
I lost my little bottle of hand sanitizer he first time I went out with it clipped to my purse, probably in March. I'm always home, though, so I just wash my hands.
Yeah, all the distilleries around here are making hand sanitizer, which I think is pretty cool.
Fuck, my BP is stupid low, not just for a Lang, but for a human (89/62). I'd been getting some lightheadedness and dizziness on and off for a couple (few?) weeks and assumed that they were stress-related.
Oh, could that be low blood pressure? My blood pressure tends fairly low, and I've been a little lightheaded here and there.
Good thing I had fried pickles and pizza for dinner?
Oh, could that be low blood pressure? My blood pressure tends fairly low, and I've been a little lightheaded here and there.
Lightheadedness and dizziness are definitely symptoms of low blood pressure. Annoyingly, they're also symptoms of a kerzillion other things, like anxiety, migraines, and god only knows what else.
I mean, just being lightheaded/dizzy isn't proof of low blood pressure, but if you do have low blood pressure AND are lightheaded/dizzy, they're almost certainly linked.
I had a gluten free Hot Pocket and kettle cooked chips for dinner. Take THAT, blood pressure!