Something that just occurred to me yesterday:
On Mother's Day, we went over to my mom's. My mom and stepdad have been exceptionally cautious with coronavirus precautions -- they get their groceries with ClickList so they don't have to go in the store, they don't go anywhere (other than picking up groceries), they're in full-on hermit mode to stay safe. So I offered to just leave her present on the porch so we didn't have to interact in person, but Mom decided we could visit by sitting in the driveway in camp chairs 6 feet apart [definitely no hugging], which we did for about an hour. And despite any issues I've had/continue to have with my mom, it was really, really good to see her and my stepdad in person.
So I thought, hey, we could do that with my dad, too -- visit and stay 6 feet apart. Except, no. Because he's STILL working at Kroger (even though he doesn't need to financially), so every damn day increases his exposure and chance of getting/carrying Covid-19, even if he's asymptomatic. And you know what? I am obsessed with doing everything I can to keep Tim safe, since he's higher risk due to the immunosuppressants he takes for his RA. I was comfortable visiting my mom and stepdad because they see NO ONE; the closest they come is when the ClickList person puts the groceries in their trunk. But Jesus, my dad works at a grocery store. Every shift, he's exposed to so damn many people that I genuinely can't believe he's still healthy (or asymptomatic). I won't take the risk of seeing him in person, even at 6 feet away.
And that sucks. I'm still angry at him for choosing to work when he doesn't need to, and I'm also really sad, because I have no idea when I'll get to see him in person again. If it were just me, I'd probably visit him. But, to every extent possible, my #1 priority is NOT increasing Tim's risk. It has to be. God damn it.
I just needed to vent about that, because it sucks. I know we're all in similar situations (or in the same ballpark, basically; I sure the fuck hope that no one else's 76-year-old heart patient father is insisting on working at a grocery store even though he doesn't need to financially).