It's only anecdotal data, but it does seem like social distancing, face masks and lots of hand-washing do actually work.
NYT had a recent piece with actual data suggesting that it makes a huge difference.
Relatedly, they had piece on antibody testing in the Bay Area (a video) and it turns out that very few people in the Bay Area have had it asymptomatically. I don't think the notion that there's a large population of asymptomatic people out there transmitting it is going to hold up. I think it might wind up being presymptomatic carriers and superspreader events.
That's great, Theo!
Thanks, shrift, that's a good idea. I know they say there will be measures in place but I do not yet know what they actually are. Maybe I will talk to our Safety guy directly before going back.
Mother's Day smacked me in the head repeatedly this year. I miss my mother every damn day, but oh my Dog am I glad she didn't live to see this. And I feel like a terrible son for feeling that way.
Here is a little tale about roller derby, Buffy, and cats.
A friend of mine from roller derby who lives in Appleton, bought some land a couple of years ago, which included a barn. Tilly (her derby name is Tilly Screams) is a kick ass person and derby player.
Did I mention she's a Buffy fan? Like having a replica scythe AND a scythe on her tattoo sleeve? Because she does.
Anyway, Tilly started caring for the barn cats on her property, one of which she named "Beefers." Beefers is a tough as nails female barn cat with half-bitten off ears and is awesome.
Well, not too long ago, Beefers went missing. Like for months. Tilly was worried about her and put up trail cams in the barn and around it to keep an eye out for Beefers.
Beefers made a triumphant return. And, although, she never expressed a lot of interest in dudes, she had some suitors. And she got up the duff and had a litter of Beeflings.
So Tilly put the Beeflings on Insta if anyone is interested in watching them progress.
The big, old dog in the clips is Goby. The tiny runt, had an abscess on it's wee leg, so Tilly took her in to the vet. She is on antibiotics and has a tiny bandage. I call her Filet Mignon.
I think the grey and white one is the only male and his name is Angus.
KITTENS!!!! so cute!!!
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
I find myself sayign this a lot to customers (well in my head)
I miss my mother every damn day, but oh my Dog am I glad she didn't live to see this. And I feel like a terrible son for feeling that way.
If it makes you feel any better, Karl, you are not alone. I miss my mother so much - but I don't know what I would have done if I had to worry about her through all of this. So, yes, being relieved that they're not going through a pandemic with us is a perfectly valid way to feel.
A friend's husband died in January, after a long horrific decline with Alzheimers. The only silver lining that I can see is that she didn't have to try to take care of him now, when it would be so much more difficult.
(((Karl))) feeling any kind of way doesn't make you a bad son
Barn kittens!
Karl, you are far from the only person thinking that.