Recovery~ma for your aunt, Trudy. It is so hard to not be able to hold hands with our loved ones. One of the cruelest parts of this crisis in many ways.
Sorry about the pup, Shir. So hard to watch them suffer.
Kids have their house inspection today. Talking a more reasonable month for closing now. I thought a couple weeks was super quick!
Best thoughts to your aunt and whole family, Trudy.
In other news, I just found out that young Golda Meir and I have the same facial expression in photographs. It's the "I understand it's necessary but it's hell and I want it to end, are we done?" expression.
(To illustrate my point, I sent her picture to a friend who thought I was talking nonsense and they replied with "no no, you're beautiful, it's just a bad picture of you!". To which I laughed and laughed).
That's wonderful, msbelle. So glad to hear it.
So sorry, Trudy. That sounds very stressful.
I honestly have been avoiding thinking more than a week out. My work isn't opening offices anytime soon. I appreciate their conservative, science based plans, but oof, it's sobering & I just want to go hide under the bed for the next week or until I have to think about the week after that...
I keep wanting to take a day off and then like, do what?
I keep wanting to take a day off and then like, do what?
I'm seriously considering taking a vacation day for the Community livestream (since it's in the middle of the afternoon on a Monday), but other than that - yeah, what would I do with vacation time if I used it?
It's Friday, and we're going to go into the weekend still not knowing what the fuck is going on with this job.
DH has been WFH for weeks. Then his company laptop suddenly died and he can't access their website or make phone calls so he's totally dead in the water waiting for the replacement to arrive. So it's a weird kind of limbo. He helped vacuum the house, which was excellent for me.
The local speed demons are not confined to the freeway around here. They are drag racing on the streets, zooming up to my bumper trying to get to the red light as fast as possible. It's unnerving. Why is that fun?
Yay, Mac! I am so so so happy to hear about his voluntary conversation!