Meat shortage is predicted to be due to the supply chain breaking down--shipping and interim storage, and working in some meat plants that are contaminated with C19. Things that don't have much to do with actual meat, but with getting it to consumers.
A farmer was in the news this morning for selling his milk directly to customers rather than pouring it out. I think that's a better plan, actually, than trying to ship food cross-country. I know, food deserts, but supply can be closer to consumer without the middleman making a profit off the shipping.
As for the criminals, I don't want them jailed. I want them confined in a condemned section of an abandoned inner city with the clothes on their backs, no food, no water, no phones, no credit cards, no money, and nobody knows where they are. The guards wear regular clothes and prowl around the buildings armed to the teeth, being scary and intimidating. I wanna see Mitch manufacture a hamburger from gutter dirt. I wanna see Jared conjure drinking water from...well. I want Miller to be haunted by dudes of color packing really big guns. I want there to be scary noises at night, and dirt, and holey roofs in the rain, and just live in those conditions for the rest of their lives, no access to soap and hot water, toothbrushes or toothpaste, clean clothes or shoes, dealing as their teeth fall out and whatever medical conditions they may have go untreated, and they have to scrounge and fight each other for food. Hey, no harm. Completely hands off. Justice.
Ooh. We could televise it Pay Per View with completely concealed and sealed cameras, as long as the location is completely secret so some Proud Boys don't mount a rescue or something. No Hunger Games though--no way to earn your way out.