I may need to order some of that flour, beth. I used to do stress baking back in the day, and now may be the time for me to take it up again.
And while I'm complaining about performance reviews, I am grateful that I have a job and can do it from home, and that my employer actually is being thoughtful and supportive.
I mean, to be fair, 600 dollars a week at 40 hours would be $15/hour and while that's been the fight in some places, there are plenty of people who make way less than that, even before you add in any normal unemployment numbers.
Oh you know, I thought it was per month, not per week.
I not only have all purpose flour, today I got tapioca flour so I can make pao de queijo, the best thing ever.
Also I know there are some good neighbors around here, but I am feeling like an excellent neighbor because I just delivered margaritas to my neighbors.
I got tapioca flour so I can make pao de queijo, the best thing ever.
That was one of the first things I learned to make when I went gluten free, and those things are SO DAMN GOOD.
I am feeling like an excellent neighbor because I just delivered margaritas to my neighbors.
Your self-assessment is incorrect: you are THE BEST neighbor!
One of the things they said was they wanted to furlough people before July so they could get the extra money. But also, I am sure they want to get stuff off this year's books, as July 1 is our fiscal year.
Ooh, pao de queijo sounds like something I need in my life!
PEA _____ plural peas PEANUT ____ plural peanuts
Maybe some places but in a list of What To Eat in my Next Meal that doesn't seem right either
You are an excellent neighbor, Jesse!
Your self-assessment is incorrect: you are THE BEST neighbor!
Thank you, thank you.
The only thing is I might not have said mezcal loudly enough and I hope they like it? Also I am expecting bloody marys in return.
oh no, don't show me how to make the cheese bread
Today I watched our mailman walk around the neighborhood with his mask down around his chin chewing on a toothpick, and at each house he put the toothpick away and pulled the mask over his mouth and nose. With his gloves. That he also used to pick up the mail. Sigh.
One of the reason the Chief Medical Officer over here still hasn't even recommended, let alone mandated, the wearing of masks is that he says they can make things worse if used incorrectly. Now I think I can visualise what "used incorrectly" might look like.
I am feeling like an excellent neighbor because I just delivered margaritas to my neighbors.
Man, I need neighbors like that.
I am sitting here with my headset on until 9 pm, waiting for any of my students to webex in for online office hours, and feeling a bit like the Maytag repairman. Had exactly zero out of 100 check in from my uni course this afternoon. I did have two from the community college (out of 17) earlier this evening, so it hasn't been a complete waste.