It's not as amusing, but as far as cooking shows go I genuinely do enjoy America's Test Kitchen. You can watch a pretty deep catalogue of episodes for free on their website:
Honestly, every recipe I've tried from ATK has been unfailing. And at 22 minutes each they're the perfect length for making and then eating dinner.
I've always liked ATK.
My stimulus check has been scheduled for payment, hooray! I feel like I should explain why I am so anxious to get it, since I am still working and should theoreticaly not need it. Well. It's kind of a long story so feel free to skip if you are not interested - it is probably very not interesting to anyone who is not me but I have to tell someone and it's pretty embarrassing so this seems like the safest place to get it all out. Anyway, I think I mentioned approximately a year ago that when I went to file my taxes I discovered that I'd had basically nothing withheld from my paychecks for Federal taxes for 2018. I suppose I should have noticed that during the year, but I did not. Nor do I know why that happened, other than tax reform changed withholding rules and I did not adjust. So that meant I owed a fuckload of taxes. So I set up an installment plan figuring if I could get those taxes paid off by this year and adjust my withholding everything would pretty much balance out. So I was paying $400/month on the installment plan, and that is a big chunk of change, and my savings dwindled and I got to where I could not quite make my full mortgage payment in the month it was due, and I kept thinking I would be able to catch up with my next paycheck but when I got paid apparently coincided with when the payment due amount would go up, and this was also the busy season at work and I just kind of...let it slide for a couple of months. And then my mortgage was sold to a new lender. So I had to call them to make any payment at all, and I couldn't make the full amount owed and they offered to let me catch up by paying 1.5x my usual payment for 6 months and then I would be caught up. Which I agreed to, because what else was I gonna do? So I have been doing that and barely scraping by on my other bills until I could not quite scrape by this month. That $1200 will let me pay my April mortgage bill on 5/1 (like I optimistically scheduled it a couple of days ago) and I very much hope allow me to pay my May bill by 5/15 and then I might actually be caught up. Oh, and btw, my withholding for 2019 was set up right to take out what I have usually owed in taxed but my tax bill was about 50% higher this year, but I'm setting up this installment plan to be a much lower monthly amount for as long as they allow the plan to get, hopefully that will work out better.
Sorry to dump a big old financial confessional on y'all.
We're receiving containers and haven't been told of any slow downs or stoppages at the port
It may be that they are holding for going the other direction. There is manufacturing that is shut down in the US right now so there may not be the necessary product to justify the return journey.
Erin McDowell's Food 52 videos are my FoodTube happy place. :-) She bakes. ::nods::
Erin McDowell's Food 52 videos are my FoodTube happy place. :-) She bakes. ::nods::
Yeah, ND, that could well be. Been low-key wondering about the container return situation since January, but I hadn't thought about the drop in production from the US
Oh man, -t. That is harrowing. I hope everything works out!
You know what I'm going to love about this YouTube rabbit hole? NO COVID, just yummy food.
I am a total convert to the Bon App videos. They've been getting me through quarantine, but now I'm fairly caught up on the ones I like and need new stuff!!
I am a total convert to the Bon App videos. They've been getting me through quarantine, but now I'm fairly caught up on the ones I like and need new stuff!!
Ooh! Let's chat. Who's your favorite? Who's your second favorite? And who is your favorite combination?
Congratulations, Steph!
I'm glad the check will help you get back on track, -t. Tax stuff can be so weird.