I haven't watched Into the Spiderverse yet. I haven't seen Far From Home either.
Tonight I discovered a jar of red curry sauce that expired in 2017. Sadly, I discovered the expiration date after I had poured it over my pan of shrimp and veggies. I ended up eating rice with a can of about-to-expire black eyed peas. My attempts at seasoning were pretty meh. I wonder if I can just make breakfast foods from here on out. I do okay with those.
Have I mentioned that my employer has been hosting Brendan Coyle during the quarantine? [link]
Am I being the asshole having some poorly paid REI warehouse worker ship me a sleeping bag that is utterly non-essential?
Emmett works for REI (or did before he was furloughed). But they pay well, have great benefits, train up their employees and generally do right by them.
That's why I so often choose REI for equipment et al when I need it -- I prefer to support co-op businesses when I can. They treat their employees in the way that should be the standard for employment in the US.
Ok, y'all have made me feel a bit better about wanting to order camping stuff.
I went over to a friend's tonight and brought my own chair, snacks, and drink, and walked into their backyard and sat like ten feet away in the other side of their bonfire and it was so so nice. Only flaw in my brilliant plan was after drinking that drink I needed to use the bathroom! They were like "you could pee outdoors!" But I declined. But still, test run. We've been planning some backyard test camping there for the summer, to make sure it all works and is comfy and we know who has supplies and whatnot. I'm figuring I need a bag, a pad, and a backpack, but probably a tent is lower down, since I maybe can share with someone, and I know other folks have stoves and such.
So there is a tiny voice in the back of my head saying "what if you haven't heard anything from work because they are going to let you go". But I'm trying to distract my self from it. I also made the mistake at looking at my metrics for work online, some how I have the worst sales per hour for the whole store at almost -$2000/hr. I she no idea how that happened. Sales per hour is something I'm evaluated on and I know that it's just some kind of store closing weirdness and won't be an issue because I'll climb out of that.
It's just really odd.
Anyway if I'm let go I keep drawing unemployment and find another job and people are hiring so it will be ok.
I'm...the only person left alive, with the possible exception of your aged Aunt Erma, who still uses Woot!, aren't I?
I still check it most days, although Woot-Offs no longer excite me. You just have to remember that it's now Amazon's equivalent to the clearance aisle at Walmart. I did buy a 3D printer there last summer.
Headcanon: Aunt May and Doc Ock used to date.
I mean, it happened in 616...
I go back to work on Monday. This is what I know:
Our work hours will be 10:30-6:30 for the forseeable future. Store hours will be 12-6 but employees will help out with recovery, online orders, pick up orders and wherever they are needed as well, so a lot of cross work to help out with various things and be more flexible over all.
The store is providing masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer for employees. Before each shift we have to check in and answer questions about if we have any symptoms of covid 19 and have we possibly been exposed and if we've traveled anywhere.
Commission has been suspended for the 2nd Quarter at least. They are taking someone's average effective hourly rate for Jan and Feb and that will be their pay. I don't know how that will work for me since I wasn't commission in Jan and Feb but the HR manager said they have a spreadsheet with what people's hourly rate is so he can let me know on Monday.
Full time employees will be working 37 hours a week. They will be limiting the number of customers in the store and practicing social distancing for employees.
I am not exactly sure how that will work with the break room since it can get kind of crowded. I guess we will find out