Yeah, I'm sure it would go far in Brazil.
I'm torn on ordering things--like REI is still selling, and shipping, and I'm tempted to order some stuff. But then I went to Sierra Trading Post and they were like "for the safety of our workers you can browse but you can't order" and I'm like "hmm, fair point..." Am I being the asshole having some poorly paid REI warehouse worker ship me a sleeping bag that is utterly non-essential?
I think that's why I'm so into tipping random bartenders and etc -- I'm glad they aren't working!
Brazil could probably use the help, too?
Yes they could, and I'm using my Brazilian-made money to do that!
But I feel a little bit "the money came from the US for the purpose of improving the US and helping people in the US" about this. Plus, even though it would buy me WAY more Brazilian money than a month ago (don't talk about it, my paid-in-Brazilian-moneys salary has essentially dropped 30% if I think of it in dollars...) it feels weird to ship money from there to here; I'm usually doing the opposite.
Am I being the asshole having some poorly paid REI warehouse worker ship me a sleeping bag that is utterly non-essential?
I think a lot of warehouse workers are happy to have the still functioning job. Quite unlikely that your sleeping bag order will be the straw that breaks the back there.
REI pays pretty well? Or they did when I worked for them, which was a while ago But we got benefits when we were part-time - maybe poke around their website, shoot an email off to a contact point asking about their workers welfare? If you are a co-op member, you're an owner, so asking is legit
I hope to god our warehouse workers are getting bonuses and stuff. I know they're getting their temperature checked and provided masks and whatnot, but I don't know that they are getting paid what they should. I hope so. We're a closely held corporation, there's not much actual information that is publicly available. But I do know that increased volume of orders meant bringing back furloughed workers.
Also, am finally watching Into the Spiderverse. I would say "why didn't you tell me?" except I know everyone told me, but still! OMG so good
Headcanon: Aunt May and Doc Ock used to date.
Also, am finally watching Into the Spiderverse. I would say "why didn't you tell me?" except I know everyone told me, but still! OMG so good
We just watched last week, and hell yes. (Though, being on Tumblr as much as I am, I already knew most of the major plot points. Didn't care.)
California's UI system finally just threw up their hands and said, "If you've already gotten approval for UI, and you're not working at all, don't bother certifying, we'll just pay you". I hope that gives them the room they need to process the deluge of new applications.
I certainly hope so, juliana.
I haven't watched Into the Spiderverse yet. I haven't seen Far From Home either.
Tonight I discovered a jar of red curry sauce that expired in 2017. Sadly, I discovered the expiration date after I had poured it over my pan of shrimp and veggies. I ended up eating rice with a can of about-to-expire black eyed peas. My attempts at seasoning were pretty meh. I wonder if I can just make breakfast foods from here on out. I do okay with those.
Have I mentioned that my employer has been hosting Brendan Coyle during the quarantine? [link]
Am I being the asshole having some poorly paid REI warehouse worker ship me a sleeping bag that is utterly non-essential?
Emmett works for REI (or did before he was furloughed). But they pay well, have great benefits, train up their employees and generally do right by them.