Aske please unfollow or mute people on your twitter exposing you to Graham.
Connectivity at work kept going out so I came home. I have to go back in, I received 160+ paper applications that I have to cross check against a spreadsheet and the process any that are not already on there. Processing involves checking for sigs, stamping with another sig, scanning in, emailing to other dept., waiting for their scanned sig page back, entering on spreadsheet, emailing applicant, and filing electronically. Ugh.
Jesse, pretty much anything that's done right will go unnoticed; people notice - and complain - when something goes wrong. I work for a group that puts on conferences; every time, there's something that goes wrong, but staff run around and make sure no one notices. They complain if the rooms are too hot or too cold, if the coffee/snacks aren't up to their expectations. They never notice when someone had to do a fast correction for an A/V setup that wasn't working or when a microphone wasn't connected.
After I've soaped and rinsed my cloth mask, I use it as a washcloth for my face, then rinse again and hang it upbto dry.
That is genius. I had been washing mine when I came in and hanging it up to dry but the washcloth move is so smart! Probably should not try with my Vog mask, though, which is heavier material and takes forever to dry out so I just surface wash it.
Peanut butter sandwich for lunch today. Nom nom nom. Always makes me think of that Sesame Street magician
And the anti-quarantine movement is also fueled by state governments that are going to literally run out of money for Unemployment payments because they've already been stripped to the bone by the golden idol of Lower Taxes. So if they issue a Back to Work! order, and the workers refuse to come back to work, they can be fired, and then no unemployment is due from the state.
I am just over capitalism at this point. Can we overthrow the existing social order and economic system while maintaining social distance? Because that sounds good right now.
Probably should not try with my Vog mask
Yeah, that's not good. The masks I'm using are simple cotton fabric with drawstring ties, so they might as well be washcloths.
There's something ironic or poetic in the ability to defeat the coronavirus by just using ordinary soap.
Can we overthrow the existing social order and economic system while maintaining social distance?
This Revolution Could Have Been An Email!
On the lighter side, a reminder about physical distancing.
Ben's coworker tested positive, so they sent everyone home with instructions to get tested. He'll hear back in a few days. They have been wearing masks at work, though, so I'm not too worried.
Everything makes me so unbelievably tired right now.
I'm bereaved again. My heinous aunt died of her breast cancer the day before my sister had her lumpectomy. Now that's timing! I won't miss her because her company was so awful for me, but now I am related to two cases of breast cancer. I think maybe I've gotten enough stress by now and I just don't know what to do with myself.
Plus I am out of new books and don't have anything I want to read.