I am worried for my residents. My guess would be the average age of the infected is 85. At the least, they're going to need a lot of nursing. One went off to the hospital this morning, which had our receptionist in tears saying goodbye. I know the nursing staff is on top of the most recent innovations in care, like checking pulse oximeters to see if lung function is degrading.
Three of the infected are on the same floor, across the hall from each other, and I've seen evidence that they've been eating together in the floor lounge there (they're supposed to keep inside their rooms and NOT socialize) by the leftover trays left on the table. Maybe I should have narc'd on them, but I haven't seen it in the past couple weeks.
At any rate, this is WHY we need testing -- because you really can't detect whether the virus is around just by looking for obvious symptoms, which may not be there.
There are easily 30-40 thousand American deplorables I want to go out and personally bitch-slap tonight.
I do so hope they have a mild case, Theodosia. If they have checking the omimeter readings that is a big plus. It can deteriorate a long way without people noticing.
People!! I made eggplant parm for the first time ever. It is one of my favorite things that I get out often. The only reason I made it was because there was an eggplant in my veggie box. It was sooooo good! Like way better than I expected. Yum! This recipe. [link]
I spent the weekend feeling like I had "error 400: bad request" blinking in a DOS font above my head. I'm on the other side of it, but it's like I got whammied by the situation at large all at once and had to hard reset.
Bev, my friend's partner is making masks and all proceeds are being donated to food security non-profits.
It is overwhelming. I asked my son why he was still wearing a bandana when his employer supplies masks and he said the regular masks were worthless with his long beard. I need to get him some more of them. I gave him a few that were my mother's. On my list tomorrow.
I need to get some real masks.
People!! I made eggplant parm for the first time ever. It is one of my favorite things that I get out often. The only reason I made it was because there was an eggplant in my veggie box. It was sooooo good! Like way better than I expected. Yum!
Nice! That's so satisfying.
I spent the weekend feeling like I had "error 400: bad request" blinking in a DOS font above my head. I'm on the other side of it, but it's like I got whammied by the situation at large all at once and had to hard reset.
I hear that.
I've been making fabric masks, but it's somewhat slow going for now. If anyone wants some and is willing to wait at least a week to get them, I'll send them to you for the cost of materials and shipping (roughly $2 per mask, plus $8 for shipping any number of them), and you can donate whatever you think is appropriate to your local food bank.
Ooh, I was gonna offer to hold your beer, Theo, but I'm ready to be an active participant in that action. Where do I sign up?
I'm so sorry about your residents. We keep losing the good ones. I want a few lot of Trump and his cronies to choke on their own fluids. Sooner the better. I hate this administration has woken the wolverine (not the character, the animal) in me.
esse, thanks for that link! ETA: Thanks, Hil. Profile addy ok?
Oh, Theo, I'm sorry. My heart goes out to you and the residents. Hang in there as best you can.