I keep thinking about my store and it has 4 entrances and I have no idea how we are supposed to track to make sure there is only 20% occupancy. Also to maintain 6 fett apart it will mean only 1 person per register station. 1 person on the elevator at a time I guess. I don't think my store is going to open as soon as the order changes but I was just thinking about the logistics of it all .
Costco started only doing one entrance a few weeks ago. They count the people, they have made the aisles all one way so you can't pass too close to anyone (although some jackholes ignore it), they have the tape lines on the floor at the registers, and they finally have an express line to move people through quickly.
re: JAR - not surprised, but surprised.
Also in SICSOFB (Shit I can't say on FB) - Friend (and you really are my friend and I think that you're a good person), when I call you out on some white shit online, please don't try to justify your comment with "you're right, but..." and "you know i hate those people too" kind of comments. Especially back channel in a DM. You said something thoughtless. I know that you didn't consider the implications. You realize it now. Let it go. I don't need to absolve you.
I could actually go through 50 lbs of flour in a reasonable (couple months?) worth of time, but I bake my own bread and make my own pizza dough a couple times a week, so. But I would need to devote some major containers to hold it all weevil-free.
Flour seems to be harder to get, I've just looked at a couple websites....
I was thinking of department stores and such, like mine has 4 mall entrances (on 2 sides , upstairs and down) and then 2 outside entrances but only on one level. I guess they could close off one set of mall entrances and one outside entrance. But that assumes they open soon. which I don't know if it will happen it's still up to businesses to decide when they will open.
I'm shocked Vortex didn't comment on JAR!! But also sorry about your friend. If I ever do that feel free to whack me upside the head to remind me.
Our niece is going hardcore Trump supporter. She "came out" in a post on FB about a month ago. It is odd, because she married at 19, had two kids and divorced before she was 22 and has been on some form of public assistance ever since she left home. She moved in with her parents a few years ago and they're pretty much raising her kids--she has some mental health issues which make it unlikely she'll ever work full-time. She can't seem to se that he is actively working against her interests. It's sad.
Matthew's mom came and told me that retail stores could reopen and asked when I'd go back to work. I told her I don't know just because the Gov said they could reopen tomorrow doesn't mean my store will. They closed before they were ordered to
I said people are going to die and she replied "people are starving because they don't have money". And was kind of dismissive when I pointed out the government should be doing things to protect and help people instead of insisting we risk our lives.
Timelies all!
Unfortunately there are more than a few people who vote against their interests(whether they realize it or not) out there.
JAR coming out surprises me less than ... like, there are grown adults out there who aren't out? I mean, was this a new thing for him to realize or did he think he needed to be in the closet for his career all this time?
Anyway, good for him for being true to himself and I hope nobody gives him shit about it.
I like my new desk chair but it's just a little too high so I have to wear my Dansko clogs. And I think it's less ergonomic than my desk chair at work.
I haven't found any mentions of JAR coming out. Good for him, regardless.
PA had its turn for idiot protesters today. Some purposefully created gridlock and abandoned cars in an intersection that is a direct route taken by many ambulances to the hospital. It's infuriating and I have zero sympathy for these assholes. Some people had kid in wagons and no masks, with no social distancing. I just can't.