Of all the questions I've ever read here, or ASKED here, or thought someone might one day ask here...this was never, EVER one of them.
I laughed so loud that I woke up the kitty.
Same, except I startled the dog.
My Fetal Pig
When I was a high school senior, I worked at a small family-owned grocery store, the kind that's now hard to find. One of my co-workers was also my lab partner in my high school Anatomy & Physiology class.
Susan and I dissected our fetal pig together. We named her after our boss's son, who was a few years older. Overall, he was funny and decent to us, but could be an utter pig of a different order. L was best friends with Susan's brother, and my dad and his dad were friendly, so he left her alone. Where I was concerned, L split his time with me either flirting madly, or regaling me with tales of his sexual exploits. I never got how he thought that would do anything other than turn me off, but where I was concerned he was basically harmless if wildly inappropriate.
Flash-forward a few years, L is also the person who ran into my mom right after I finished college and told her to tell me to apply for a job at the hospital where he worked and served as a reference for me.
Our offices were off-campus in the Charlestown Navy Yard, where, co-incidentally, my mom worked for a public agency. She was supposed to pick me up after my 1st Christmas party there. I was outside waiting for her (which never happens -- if mom is only 5 minutes early, she apologizes for being late) when it started to snow pretty heavily. I went back inside to the lobby pay phone to call and see if she got delayed at work, when my L came by and said he would drive me home.
He talked me into staying, so I did. Soon thereafter, he introduced me to his co-worker who had worked there much longer than I had, but I'd never before laid eyes on him.
And that, kids, is how I met your father.