The line to vote here was pretty long, and all I could think was WHERE THE FUCK WERE ALL YOU PEOPLE DURING THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. In a district this blue, the general election midterms are NOT where your vote is most needed!!
Yes I did also have that thought.
I am reading Twitter and am so angry about the (fully expected) voter suppression going on, especially in Georgia and Detroit.
I am comforted by the text-banking, especially today when I've been able to tell people where their polling places are or answer questions. It feels like a really concrete good that I did.
I appreciate the efforts of all the volunteers this year. I do believe it makes a difference.
Both my sons have voted now. Also a couple friends messaged us pictures of their stickers. One guy, a coach who works with DH had never voted before, and he is like 50! Not only did he register and vote, he took his mom with him too and messaged us the picture. DH's siblings, who are lax about such things, also messaged us their pictures.
I saw this Massachusetts political ad and thought it might be appreciated.
Our boil water advisory has been lifted! Woo hoo! I'm going to go do a bunch of things that involve ingesting tap water.
I'm going to go do a bunch of things that involve ingesting tap water.
Damn, it's gonna get WILD up in this joint!
Pfft. That'd be the shortest ballot I ever did in California.
I want Jon B. to know that Ranked Voting was causing all kinds of havoc at the poll this morning.
Gods, the ballot was so long this year. And the Chinese granny poll workers were already Over the Ranked Voting nonsense.
Timelies all!
It's been a day, I tell you. First I had to deal with a snarf-and-barf from Nova.(luckily on the kitchen floor) Mr. S's school was closed for voting, so we got a babysitter. After she arrived, and I showed her around, I went to my car. Where I learned that my windows had been down all night, during the rain.(Thanks to Mr. S, no doubt.) Voted, which took longer than expected due to lines.
And tonight I have to give Chaos Boy a bath by myself.
Now I'm missing walking over to Xavier with my drvier's license just in case and being told by the matriarchal poll workers to put it away, you don't need ID to vote. Those were the days.