I've told some of my coworkers that I'll probably be hiding in my hotel room rather than attending any watch parties.
I can be available for chatting or texting on non-political matters. Like whether you've seen Venom or not. (I know you haven't had a chance yet. But I can amuse you with tales of large parts of fandom discovering tentacle fic.)
I can be available for chatting or texting on non-political matters.
Thanks. I may take you up on that.
I'm on call, so I can't turtle the way I'd like to.
Oh, it sure is great when the HR person teases a "big change" to be discussed at the end of the 2019 benefits presentation. We're probably moving to husband's benefits anyway, but WTF.
Oh, shit, it's going to be vacation.
Shit, there goes my unlimited PTO.
I mean, boohoo for me, but still. Grr.
My current first-world problem - I work in a building that's in two sections. They're "modernizing" the elevators. I pretty much have to enter through the other section, due to construction work being done next to my section. The other section is, I think, 15 floors. It has eight elevators. However, whenever I go to use those elevators there are, at most, three operational. Some mornings, there are a dozen or more people waiting for one of those elevators. My section is seven floors and has three elevators. One is being worked on and, most of the time, there's only one operational. The wait for the elevator - since I have to take two of them - often seems interminable. AND, to make life more difficult, the ones in the other section are unreliable - one morning the elevator was supposed to take me to the floor that would give me access to my section ... only it didn't go there - went four floors above - so I had to press for an elevator to go down and wait for one to come. In my section, the modernized elevator doesn't always recognize my security fob, so I can't rely on it taking me to the floor where I can cross to the other section so I can get out. (in case you're interested, the sections are referred to as "towers" so I'm working in two towers ... and some days it feels like Sauron is on my case)
Is the first time your kid cries while watching a movie a milestone?
Timelies all!
Tomorrow night the only TV watching I'll do will be stuff from the DVR. (Once Mr. S is in bed, that is.)