Connie, that is cute!
I guess my fear is how stupid it looks to give up an easy job paying better money for something that is lower paying, but more interesting. I just don't know how long I can keep telling educators that they can't assess thing like discuss with a multiple choice test. And then convince them of it. I never thought that sales would be my jam, which recruitment sort of is, but matching people with the right way to further their growth- that is my jam and that is what potential new job is
Sophia maybe they just need to reclassify your old job to pay better? :)
I am so ready for these elections to be OVER. drove to complete lit drop for 2 precincts near my house. The guy I was driving was so irritated to be hitting houses he had already canvassed before. He was all "why didn't they early vote?!?!" And the phone-bankers for the same campaign were having people straight up lie about voting early, when the campaign has all the early voting data downloaded already. GEEZ!
I text-banked 2500 people today. Lots of argumentative people in Alabama. Lots of people thinking any text in Texas is from Beto.
There are three election night watch parties that I am aware of, but I do not think I can stomach being around a lot pf people if it is bad.
I might go play trombone at Elizabeth Warren's party.
As options go, that is a pretty good one, Jesse.
msbelle, I wish I could teleport you here to election night watch. I have only invited my kids and a couple close friends who understand that I may alternate between sobbing and dancing. Despite the important races closer to home I think all of us are pulling for Beto at the top of our list.
If I could play trombone and go to Sen. Warren's party I would choose that option.
I mean, I'll have to miss yoga, but...yeah.
I plan to be away from a TV, possibly with a nice long fanfic, and some Ambien. I do not want a repeat of two years ago, crying on the couch. I will deal with whatever happened on Wednesday morning.
My favorite "negative" text-banking response so far has been "Sorry, I died."
Hah, Dana.
I'm so stressed that I'm taking tomorrow off and going hiking somewhere remote and off-line with a friend who works at EPA. We'll take the dogs and some snacks and climb a ridge and hopefully be out of cell-phone range for most of the day. Then, I think, tacos and beer.
BTW, I just started listening to Rachel Maddow's new podcast, BagMan, about Spiro Agnew. It's interesting but I wish she would stop hammering the Trump parallels so hard. WE KNOW.