I have a working arcade cabinet now.
Gud, that's so cool! You are so talented!
I need reassurance that I am doing the right thing.
I think your very next sentence is your reassurance:
As soon as I realized it was an option, every cell in my body relaxed
I understand not wanting people to hate you, but -- this is your career, your life. You have to do what's best for you, not what's going to make people think more kindly of you.
Steph is right. No one benefits from your being miserable.
It seems like the right call to me. You don't want to be bored and stultified.
Sophia, I did a similar thing when I transfered to my current position, and even though I have some mixed feelings, there is no question that it was ultimately the right move. (I miss the amount of money I was making before, and stepping down a level is a big difference in how people treat you at this company, but OTOH I no longer spend 2 hours a day crying while sitting in traffic in NJ, and since this role is so much less stressful I have the mental energy I need to focus on school.)
Sounds like a good move for you, Sophia.
Ryan makes me happy.
Gud, that cabinet is excellent.
Very nice, Gud!
Sophia, you'll be spending 1/3 of your life, five out of seven days a week for the next several years, doing something. If that something can be an activity you actually like, I think you should go for it.
Thanks guys. I am pretty sure of my decision, but I needed to hear feedback. I know I dont care about the money-- I would have been perfectly content doing my same job until retirement. I only started looking when there were rumblings of "a person at your level can't make decisions at this other level"and I knew my job would not be my job any more.
Timelies all!
Mr. S is resisting taking a nap(which he needs, badly) at the top of his lungs.
I have sides now. The one that will be hinged is clamped on for the time being.
Most of the arcade cabinet is storage space filled with office supplies.
It really sounds like you are making the right decision Sophia.
I hope Mr. S gives in soon.