Mal: Take your people and go. Captain: You would have done the same. Mal: We can already see I haven't.

'Out Of Gas'

Spike's Bitches 49: As usual, I'm here to help you, and I... are you naked under there?

Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

erikaj - Feb 12, 2024 3:13:10 pm PST #8022 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

I feel as though I've sincerely gotten mansplained, because somebody has finally hit on some of my expertise. To wit: "You've heard of sarcasm, right?"(Although when it comes to abled people understanding ableism...well, let's just say, at times, it does not hurt to start slowly.) I could have posted "No! Enlighten me." and ended up in a total chatbot-ish loop.

EpicTangent - Feb 12, 2024 5:38:33 pm PST #8023 of 8169
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

Stay strong, Erika. Probably not worth the agita to engage with that type.

erikaj - Feb 13, 2024 1:22:17 pm PST #8024 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Don't really care enough.

erikaj - Feb 14, 2024 2:01:30 pm PST #8025 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Happy valentine's, Bitches! (Probably the twentieth, if you're scoring at home. Or even if you're alone...)

Calli - Feb 16, 2024 4:24:55 am PST #8026 of 8169
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

Thanks for links, meara! I was talking to my doctor last month and brought up possibly getting on one of the new obesity drugs, and she came back with this long Health at Every Size spiel. Which was actually nice—thank you, doctor, for not assuming all my problems are due to being fat. But also, my knees hurt, and carrying literally twice their ideal load might figure into that. Then she said, “Yeah, but insurance won’t pay for those meds, so, maybe try a diet and exercise combo,” since that’s only failed me for the past 40 years. So I’m happy to try a clinical trial and see if I can get either skinny or superpowers.

Calli - Feb 16, 2024 6:25:57 am PST #8027 of 8169
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

Captain Crunch: Hah—I sent off an email and immediately got the response that they are full up. Guess everyone wants free drugs.

brenda m - Feb 16, 2024 6:52:28 am PST #8028 of 8169
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

My sister is doing Ozembic and hers is covered. Though in her case she was nudging into pre-diabetic so that might be why.

erikaj - Feb 16, 2024 9:51:17 am PST #8029 of 8169
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

If I knew the secret to my metabolic rate, I could possibly save people a lot of time. I would sincerely be a part of research, if they could promise that, like, my tongue wouldn't fall out or something. That is, unless it was that the Powers that be decided the "Out, but don't walk, Bitch," was kind of harsh and gave me a consolation prize I didn't really appreciate till I turned thirty. Although I hesitate to say I can eat whatever I want, because of the reflux, and because some of the things human nature really wants are dumb, but I'm not preoccupied by that one group of things.(At least there's one.)

meara - Feb 17, 2024 9:08:31 am PST #8030 of 8169

You can search for other similar studies on clinical trials .gov too, search under either the drug name or the issue being obesity or overweight!

javachik - Feb 17, 2024 11:42:46 am PST #8031 of 8169
Our wings are not tired.

Calli, maybe Contrave would work for you? It’s not the same as the injection drugs, but for me it was a game-changer. I took it for a few months last year and it kick-started me into a very healthy weight loss (slow but steady). I was able to get a prescription through A 30 min call with a NP to see if I was a good candidate, and got my prescription shipped to me a few days later. I had a few weeks of adjusting during the dose-titration but within 4-5 weeks I was 100% side effect free. I started last May and am about 45 lbs lighter and feeling really good. I wasn’t pre-diabetic and generally was in great health going into this. But I was definitely feeling the effects of extra weight on my knees and feet, etc., like you mention. It’s really worked for me and it’s pretty easy to get. So maybe that would work well for you?

My issues were emotional eating (I eat healthy food but was eating way too much of it!) and a nightly red wine habit. I never got drunk or even tipsy, but my evening wasn’t started until I had poured a glass of red wine. The Contrave immediately put a halt to that habit, it was like magic. And I love that I can still drink whenever I want, and DO, but it’s not part of my routine.