Kaylee: You're nice, too. Mal: No, I'm not. I'm a mean old man.


Spike's Bitches 49: As usual, I'm here to help you, and I... are you naked under there?

Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

askye - Aug 30, 2023 1:28:52 pm PDT #7881 of 8155
Thrive to spite them

Bah today started ok but hasn't been great. I was going to go grocery shopping but picked the wrong time...there is a school right down the road and I 'm assuming that's why all the cars were lined up in a dead standstill on the road. (It's a side road so not many people go down it). There was another way into that shopping center but I nope-d out until later.

Then M's mom hit me up with "you can go and get $20 for my gas money". That is her idea of asking for gas money. I was like..?? and then no I'm not. I just got home. I don't think she needed it for gas money I think she needed it for cigarettes because she just got snippy about something and said "If I don't get money for cigarettes no one is going to want to live with me!" This is totally her problem and her money management problem and I'm not getting dragged into that drama.

and then I got a text saying 1 of 2 bins that are used for sorting certain things at Recraft are missing. Right before I left I took them to put things out and I know I put them back. I have a distinct memory of it and I even texted back Crafty Friend (who now works there and was texting me to ask what I'd done with it) how I had put them back and I got a text back "well the makerspace bin is gone." so I texted back how I put it back and more detail..I flipped it around because there was tape with a message on one side and the other side had the label for the bin. But I haven't heard back so don't know if it was found or not. I always make sure to clean up and put things back when I finish a task or before I go. And I'm feeling anxious over this limbo of wondering if it was found and what happened to it.

I also still have to go grocery shopping which I don't want to do tonight. Maybe it will rain and I can put it off until tomorrow.

erikaj - Aug 30, 2023 5:12:17 pm PDT #7882 of 8155
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

sometimes it's the little stuff.

askye - Aug 30, 2023 7:43:16 pm PDT #7883 of 8155
Thrive to spite them

Yeah. I finally got texted back. A new volunteer borrowed the bin. And didn't realize it was needed to be there all the time since it was empty.

I applied for another job. I know my resume could be better but I'm just struggling to make it better. I'm tired of not having a job and not working. I mean if I was wealthy and didn't have to work that would be one thing. But I've been in this limbo of nor working and not really knowing when things would change for almost 2 years and i just want to have a job snd know when I'm working and have some feeling of ...stability or permanence? Not sure the word I'm looking for.

EpicTangent - Aug 30, 2023 8:52:45 pm PDT #7884 of 8155
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

My car was making a noise that I couldn't ignore so I stopped at the mechanic on my way home from my hyperbaric appt. I was hoping they'd say it would be okay for a few more days so I could better plan to be without it, but no such luck. I ended up leaving it and getting an Uber home. Really hoping it's not going to cost a mint, especially given how many other expenses I'm dealing with right now and while I'm working half days (i.e. half pay).

sj - Aug 31, 2023 4:44:21 am PDT #7885 of 8155
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

askye, good luck with the job hunt. If you want someone to look at your resume you can send it to me today. Profile address is good.

Epic, best of luck with the car. I hope it’s as inexpensive of a repair as possible.

javachik - Aug 31, 2023 9:21:58 am PDT #7886 of 8155
Our wings are not tired.

Epic, you are due for a break! Hope it's an inexpensive repair.

Laura - Aug 31, 2023 9:49:34 am PDT #7887 of 8155
Our wings are not tired.

Car~ma for you, Epic!

Job~ma for askye! I'm sorry your mom is being so annoying and manipulative.

Hmmm, you do need to make a plan for the 50th, Erica. My 50th, almost 20 years ago, it was the year of the W&H shenanigans in LA. Good memories.

EpicTangent - Aug 31, 2023 10:13:21 am PDT #7888 of 8155
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

Heard from the mechanic. It's just a hose from the steering pump, not the pump itself, parts and labor will cost $400 and change. So, not as good as I hoped, but definitely better than it might have been.

Meanwhile, I took a mental health day from work today and just went to turn on the tv to discover that Spectrum is having an outage in my area, so no tv, no wifi. Maybe it's time for a little nap...

askye - Aug 31, 2023 1:00:29 pm PDT #7889 of 8155
Thrive to spite them

sj I will do that. And I do have a job interview on Monday. It's at a Neighborhood Walmart. I can't remember what postion. I checked multiple positions locations when I applied. I'll see how it goes.

EpicTangent - Aug 31, 2023 7:07:04 pm PDT #7890 of 8155
Why isn't everyone pelting me with JOY, dammit? - Zenkitty

Fingers crossed, askye!