Laura, I'm sorry. That's a real spot to be in. Do you have conditions that put you at high risk? (I'm thinking blood pressure, but my memory is Swiss cheese these days.) Have you talked to your doctor about whether you should attend?
I have read enough stories about weddings/birthday parties/etc. being superspreader events to make me give a serious side-eye to anyone planning one of those right now. I know it sucks not to be able to celebrate with people you love! It really does! But you know what would suck so much more? Someone you love DYING (or even just suffering from a lingering and poorly understood disease!) because you decided to go ahead and throw a party anyway.
Ugh, I get so mad about this.
Yes. This. All of it, Kate.
I told her last night that I'm going to the church and the park, but any event inside is a no go for me. Any outside event that is not social distanced is also a no go, which includes any kind of event where people are close together with those outside of their bubble/family.
Vortex, I don't blame you.
My late cousin's son has postponed his wedding twice, now. They were originally supposed to be married in April. I knew when they put it off until November that I wouldn't be going and they'd probably have to put it off again. They've set a new date in the spring. If my cousin were still alive, I'd suggest they just get married now with pre-tested parents and best friends present and throw reception when it's all over, but I'm not close enough to his widow to say anything to her. Besides, my cousin would have told the kids that, himself.
(Pokes head in, looks about)
(Also poking head in). Hi!
It’s like a re-delurker thread. Hey, friends!
Election Night Night Shift! (I mean, it's not even bedtime here yet, but I can see the newspeople starting to get a little punchy)
We were going to see my sister and BIL for thanksgiving., but it look like the library will be opening on the 15th. In a limited fashion , but still. My social bubble is way to big because of work. Now, even with the limits it is way too huge
I suspect my family's Thanksgiving plans will fall through as well but I'm compartmentalizing until the election results are announced because I don't want to spend the rest of the year crying under my desk.
We're doing Thanksgiving for two. And nothing is going to change for Christmas, honestly. Since Cincinnati hasn't had a really picturesque snowy Christmas in a while, and since we won't be seeing our families, Tim is looking at rental cabins (where "cabin" means "really nice house") in driving distance in places likely to have snow for Christmas (he REALLY wants a white Christmas). I told him if I have to deal with snow, the cabin has to have a hot tub.
Laura, I'm sorry. That's a real spot to be in. Do you have conditions that put you at high risk? (I'm thinking blood pressure, but my memory is Swiss cheese these days.) Have you talked to your doctor about whether you should attend?
I don't have any chronic conditions, other than being 66 and obese. I know well what my doctor would say. He already wants all his patients to be on a high level of caution. But this very morning one of his medical assistants I had to set up for WFH because her 16 year old son is positive. So, to put it mildly, he would not be at all pleased that I was even considering a social event with 50 people.
So, basically I can't see any way I can attend. I have worked with the other mom. Did the invites, am printing tags for the gift bags, offered to help with cost of food, have a bunch of gifts to drop off. It will further estrange me from son and DIL, but frankly that is their loss.