I thought my day was ok but then the neighbor made a fuss about our trash can again. So back when Matthew was stuck with the squaters they left a lot of trash around. And it pissed him off that he had to look at it.
So the trash is under control but sometimes the lid is open some. We haven't had a recycling container and he came over the other day with a phone number saying he could get us a bigger trash can so he didn't have to look at it.
And then today he said he COULD stop being a nice neighbor and call the cops on us for Matthew and his mom smoking pot.
He HATES the way our place looks. He hates the chain link fence. He hates that the roof needs to be replaced, he hates that it needs to be repainted. He is constantly harping about how we could fix it up. But our place is better than our neighbors on the otherside. But the neighbor dude decided to buy a zero lot line house that shares a driveway with his neighbors and has almost no yard and a front view of the backs of some businesses (and there trash cans and the cars parked on the street).
When he drove by the house and saw all the other houses what did he expect?
I don't have the money to fix this up and it's not my house. Matthew doesn't and he can't physically do the work and I have no idea how much money his Mom gets a month but she has done a few things but I can't remember if she is on disablity or not anymore and just gets his dad's Social Security and pension. If she is on disability then she can't save any money for repairs. And she has done some work on the house it's just stuff the neighbor can't see.
ugh askye that sucks.
If I were in your situation I'd wish I had to fortitude to be like "I hear you but I don't have the time or the money. Could you help?"
If he brings it up again I will probably say something like that. I'll make a variation of what I say when anyone on Twitter has an issue with me not beiny formally diagnosed autistic.
I usually say if it's that important to them they can pay for the testing and I will share the results.
The thing is, I really wish the house looked better and there were some repairs going on but I don't have any control that so I just deal with it.
totally. I am in the same boat. I found a support group on FB, The Dopamine Vending Machine
I don't have a formal, on-paper diagnosis for at least three conditions I've dealt with most of my life. Yes, the tests cost money I don't have. But primarily, I don't want anything in writing anywhere that could be classed as a pre-existing condition.
In your place, askye, if the ugly neighbor harrassed you again, I'd suggest he help, too. Either that or get a hobby.
He also parks his second truck , a beat up red ugly thing, on the street because even though he has 2 trucks he only has room for 1 in his garage.
I get tired of looking at his truck. So I may suggest that we can work a deal. We will keep the trash around the back of the house, where he can still see it but it's not as prominent , if he finds a new place to park his truck.
I also really want to ask him why the hell he bought this house. I know he doesn't like a lot about it but he does like our house or the potential it has. He has said he if it's ever sold he wants to buy it and fix it up. It isn't getting sold anytime soon but at this point I think it would be sold to anyone but him.
I have always had pre existing conditions of one kind or another on my records so I never even worried about things because it was too late.
I have a neighbor like that. Kept calling the park manager whinging about repainting and lawn Maintenance and all our belongings. Escalated to calling the police the day after Mother's Day reporting a case of the cat was not supposed to be under the house on weekends.
We knew that. That's why we took off nice visiting clothes, put on grubbies and crawled underneath to fish her out.
If the neighbor can't stop talking about your house it might be harassment. He's already made threats about calling the cops. Make sure to offer him free access to any home improvement he's willing to pay for on your side of the property line. Keep notes of his interactions with you. Tell him to take it to the owner.
In my case the police satisfied themselves that the problem was actually egregious misuse of public services and happily that was the last peep I heard out of those ash holes.