My sweet kitty Leo passed away today. I thought I would be able to be all stoic, but hell no, I cried and cried. The vet was really kind. It's strange, I guess, that of all the many pets I've had, I've never had to euthanize one before. I know he was dying and miserable and it was the right thing to do but it was so hard. My pretty kitty boy.
The other two haven't realized yet that he isn't coming back. The Gray Cat will miss him; they were snuggle buddies. Percy won't; they never got along. I will miss him a lot.
Steph, I'm glad your extraordinarily hard-headed brother is doing well.
Oh, Zen, I'm sorry. It's the last kind thing we can do for them, and it hurts so much.
I'm so sorry, Zen. It's so hard. {{{Zen}}}
Steph, I'm glad your bro is getting help and it's not all on you. Hope you enjoy the concert.
I'm so sorry Zen. It's so hard.
Oh Zen, so sorry. It sucks their little lives are so much shorter than ours. Be gentle with yourself.
So sorry, Zen. furry babies are babies.
Just finished the 2nd 10hr day this week. today was mandatory, yesterday just happened. I'm so tired and by the end of the day I couldn't remember how to do simple things without asking for help.
My job is processing approval of applications for Final Expense Insurance. I have 6 different programs, all with their own bugs, new computer and monitors also buggy, 3 different passwords, just to get into the computer, let alone each program. I have a time tracker program I'm always forgetting about, and my accuracy has to to be 95% , or I have to fill out a quality check list for every case. I get so involved that I forget about breaks, until my badder reminds me, or my stomach says "lunch, now!". Gerbil wheel stuff. now they need more overtime. I need the money, but I'm not sure how my brain is going to stand up to it!
I'm so sorry, Zen. Much love to you and Gray Cat and blessings on Leo's memory, and a very mild, "Your human is grieving, mind your manners" stinkeye to Percy.