Until he started getting a lot of migrant workers and realized that having the note signed "Jesus" might not be the best idea for his Jewish customers.
So, remember that critical math final, the one that decided if I'm starting the MPA program next week or not?
I've passed!
(And now trying to remember how to breath again and how to process success after living most of the last three months in a bulb of stress, and do this before Sunday, when grad school starts).
Well done, Shir! I hope you find some good stress control methods for dealing with grad school. I'm excited to see you succeed with this next step.
Go Shir! You go get yourself that education! We are so proud of you!
Congratulations, Shir! Must be a huge relief. Well earned.
Congrats, Shir!
Anyone wanna make me do stuff? I spent practically the whole day at home yesterday (I walked over to a place for breakfast, and then...sat around the house all day, went to the grocery store, and slept for 12 hours last night). I don't have a ton of stuff I urgently NEED to do, but there's a bunch of stuff I SHOULD do...and am not managing to make myself do...or just ought to get my ass off the couch??)
Congratulations, Shir! Enjoy getting your brain all filled with new knowledge!
Thank you, all! Yes, it is a big relief, with a bonus of "hi, I worked really hard for a personal goal and it wasn't a failure", which is something that didn't happen a lot in the last five years or so.
Also, OMG, grad school. And studying economics! I always wanted to understand more about it.
Edited: huh. I failed at spelling "failure" correctly.
That's our Shir.
She's so made of win, she can't even spell failure.