Today started out well. I found $30 in my purse.
But I wasn't feeling well and I stabbed myself with the gun thing we use to attach tags to clothes and this is the second time. It has to be disinfected and an asst manager took away my privelage of using it. "For your safety" they were nice about it.
But I was already feeling bad and had been acting chipper to try and feel better. I started crying because I was feeling bad and asked id I could go home and I can and did it just counts against me. And i get three of these unexcused and I'm either fired or written up. I think it's fired. I just keep crying on and off.
I'm also frustrated because I worked in shoes when I was on the verge of heat exhaustion and should have gone home and I hoped I could get a little slack for that. I'm also worried what will happen if I get sensory overload at Christmas and have to go home or something.
my brother got checked again and I guess he is fine. Just got, you know...muggle-sick and overheated(also maybe House was right about some places' lab facilities.) But his vague complaints now sounded like the vague complaints from then.To which I so helpfully said "Go to the doctor, then, ya big baby."(still feel kind of bad about that, even if he was also pushing my buttons and stuff.) Thanks for the health vibes.
Muggle-sick is good, especially in this instance!
Def better than an autoimmune flare or some kind of urological cancer, sure. I would suggest, if you get a strange lab result from a doctor you don't know, it's worth getting checked by someone who knows you.
he's feeling better now, just...his resistance is down because of the stuff he takes.
Scheduled a tit-squishing for September. Yay.
I really need to do that now that I'm 48.
Jacqueline just had her tit squished.
I'll go in the fall when I get home. They want a bone density at the same time and place. The DXA is much easier.
Fingers crossed for Tim, please. He had to do a urine test before he could get his Ritalin prescription in July (I assume that's a new state law) (he doesn't have to do it every month; I think just once a year). And the point of the urine test is to make sure that the drug is *in* your system -- if there isn't any, that could mean the patient is selling/giving the Ritalin to other people. (I can vouch that he takes it, 4 times a day. He has alarms set on his phone to remind him.)
But the problem is that when he called the doctor's office for a refill, he was basically out of Ritalin, and then he couldn't go do the pee test for 2 days. So his test result came back with no Ritalin in it. And his doctor emailed him and said "Your test results show no drug in your sample, and there should be measurable amounts of drug. Please come in so we can discuss this."
Tim didn't mention to anyone at his doctor's office that he hadn't taken Ritalin for 2 days when he did the pee test, because it just didn't occur to him. Anyway, he sees his doctor tomorrow. He's been seeing this doctor for almost 15 years, and they have a good doctor-patient relationship, so I think once Tim explains the timing, it should be okay. I mean, his doctor can look in his records and see when Tim filled his June Rx, and calculate when the Rx would run out, and then look at the date Tim took the pee test.
I'm sure it'll be fine, but it's just a huge annoyance. (Plus, it would be detrimental if he stopped taking Ritalin. So I just want it to all work out.)
Much~ma. My meds wrangler warned me I might have to do that if I needed a higher prescription or if I needed a refill sooner than they thought I should or something, but it hasn't actually come up. Anyway, I'm sure Tim's doctor will understand the situation, it can't be too unusual. I understand why they need to have controls in place but it's unfortunate that complying with them is so hard for well-intentioned ADHD peeps who need the regulated drugs.
Does remind me I need to make an appointment to check in with my meds wrangler...