Askye, heat bothers me most when my blood sugar is wonky. And I read somewhere that heat flashes are sometimes caused by incipient panic. I don't know if either is a thing... I have problems with heat, too.
I looked up my "bouquet" of state flowers, in no particular order:
Some of the states had multiple flowers, so I just chose whichever was oldest.
I don't think this would be as pretty as Lisah's will be.
Fingers crossed I formatted that right.
Thanks, everyone.
Also, oy, my mother. I posted on Facebook asking for suggestions for a comforter that would match a specific area rug (which I've since decided not to get, because the color of that rug clashes horribly with the shades of pink/coral that all the comforter manufacturers are using.) A bunch of people posted suggestions of specific comforters, which was helpful! My sister put together a pinterest board of her suggestions, which was also helpful! My mother signed up for emails from Wayfair and is forwarding me all the ones that mention bedding, which is not helpful at all!
That sounds like it could be a pretty arrangement, Deena
I took life water to work and I seemed to do better. I wasn't moving around as much as the other day but I definitely got sweaty but didn't feel overheated and exhausted.
I realized when I was driving to work that I hadn't had anything to drink all morning and I don't normally drink water in the morning so I'm going to try and drink a glass or so before work.
Ooh that would be pretty, Deena, especially that saguaro cactus bloom!
Every time I see "life water" I think whisky.
I think of some kind of weird cult thing
I'm trying to do my taxes . I shouldn't have waited. I tried to file and I need to find something where it's free with a 1099-Misc and will do state taxes. According to Credit Karma my federal return will be about $200. Less than half of last year
But I owe, according to them, nearly $1100 to the state of NC I can't figure out why.
askye, I have awful heat issues too. I think it must be the medication -- I never used to have problems like this. The slightest amount of humidity, or temps above 70 deg F, and I'm a sweaty exhausted mess. whatever you do, don't wear polyester.
Me too! It is a known side effect of citalopram, or at least the excess sweating is! I also blame peri-menopause and blood sugar issues for it getting worse in my 40s.