Oh, the soreness from long-term tensed muscles is such a drag! Would warm-hot compresses help, or would cold-ice be better? Warmth is always so comforting and relaxing for me.
I had the prep done for a new crown yesterday and I want to sing hosannahs to our new dentist. There is absolutely no injection site pain or soreness today--none! This is a first for me. Also, there was no dead numbness from browbone to collarbone lasting hours after the procedure, either. Either former dentists were straight out of Little Shop of Horrors, or dentistry has changed for the better, or this guy is just really good. Whatever--I'm keeping him!
The heated buckwheat pillow has been helping a lot, and now that Snowpocalypse 2019 is done, I can get to the spa and trundle between saunas and pools.
A good dentist is worth their weight in gold.
Yay for good dentist! I need to try one locally. I really liked going to the dental school, but it was and hour or more each way and I just got tired of the drive.
Beverly, I have to have a crown this spring...I hope I have similar luck.
Had the inspection done on the new condo today, and it's pretty much OK -- the only big thing is that it needs a new water heater. Everything else that the inspector pointed out was pretty minor stuff. Also, the contractor came by and took some measurements for the ramp, and that looks doable, too.
Excellent, Hil. Newer water heaters are more energy efficient anyway. Is it gas? I'm so excited for you. Did you say you wanted to make some modifications to the kitchen too?
Well, I heard back from the contractor. Officially, he cannot build the ramp, because there's no way to build a ramp in that space that conforms to the city regulations about wheelchair ramps. Unofficially, he's sending me some specs and quotes. (The city requires that all ramps, even ones within private homes, be built according to the standards that were written to allow for pretty much everyone to use the ramp, even in a really bulky wheelchair. So the city is requiring that the ramp be 60 inches wide, which is just not going to fit at all. What I actually need is 36 inches, and he's willing to build that, unofficially.)
I called my parents and told them about the ramp situation, and now my mom is freaking out and insisting that I contact like eight different people to ask their opinions.
She thinks that I could call my realtor and ask her. But the contractor was originally hired through the realtor, and he told me that, if he's going to do it without the city permits, then I'll need to hire him directly, rather than having him do it through the realtor -- that his response to the realtor will be that he can't do it. So I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about it with the realtor or not.
Any advice?