The Keto helps the blood sugar and weight loss which also helps the blood sugar. Most of my family is diabetic and have found that after their weight is down they are able to eat a wider variety of food without blowing their sugar level. Some have been able to stop their meds after weight loss. Both the carby food and the weight play a factor. Most of my diabetic family just cut out the simple carbs and don't go full keto, but a couple have and find it the best way to keep the sugar demon at bay.
I do a modified version of Keto because it helps with my chronic pain issues. But I'm careful about it, and get a full blood panel every six months or so. But there are still days I'd punch someone for a waffle.
There was a bit of negotiating, but my offer was accepted!
Question: is it safe, privacy-wise, to post a link to the ad for it on Facebook, in a friends-locked post? I figure that anyone who really wants to stalk me probably has plenty of information about me anyway, if they're Facebook friends with me, and finding someone's address is pretty easy, so I wouldn't really be sharing anything that's not already known, right?
I'd assume my friends know where I live. Also, we want to see your new place!!
Congratulations, Hil! I hope it will be a worthy domicile.
Congrats, Hil!
Thanks, Tep. I've been taking 6 mg, but she just moved me to 8. I'll talk to my PCP about diet, but until my next appt, I've decided I'm just going to cut back on carbs a lot.
Today is Greg's and my 19th wedding anniversary.
Edit to fix autocorrect.
Happy anniversary, Deena! â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸