Thanks, everyone. flea, I'll probably message you for that info once I start getting more organized.
I just went to the allergist, and got the whole litany of skin prick tests. So that was blah. She basically said that I'm already on pretty much every medication that I can be on for my allergies and asthma, so she wants to start me on allergy shots. I don't think I've ever gotten to the "You're on every medication that we could possibly give you" point before.
Also, I noticed that one of my distant cousins was listed on the list of doctors at this office. I didn't even know that he lived in Cincinnati -- I've only emailed with him. (He's my mom's third cousin, I think.)
The skin prick test is a whole lot of no fun, but the desensitization shots can make a world of difference. I got them for 10 years.
The doctor said that, for dust mites (which is the thing I reacted most strongly to, by far), there's a new thing where I can do the desensitization with pills at home, rather than having to go to the doctor's office once a week for years, which is probably a better option for me.
The doctor said that, for dust mites (which is the thing I reacted most strongly to, by far), there's a new thing where I can do the desensitization with pills at home, rather than having to go to the doctor's office once a week for years
Holy cow, this is very exciting news that I will certainly be contacting my allergist to hear more about!
That would certainly be more convenient.
Pills would be way better yeah!!
I adulted! Made an appointment with the Gyn for the first time in
mumble mumble
years. I have a shiny new Medicare card and figured I would give it a workout, and get my PCP off my back. Also, ick, I hate those appointments. Hoping the kind reviews are real for this doctor. I wanted to go to the one who delivered my first son, but she is in Fort Lauderdale and I don't want to drive that far just to see her again.
No urgent issues or anything, just trying to be responsible and stuff.
Yay responsibility!
I have a nasty headache and just spent half an hour of a meeting lying on the bathroom floor trying not to hurl. Feel a little better now but still not pleased.
I'm sorry meara, no fun at all.
I have no idea if I told people here this, but my sister stumbled upon a solution for her serious nausea and vomiting issues. I had sent her a jar of hemp cream for her painful knees and when she was putting it on her knees just leaning over made her nauseous so in exasperation she rubbed some on her chest along the esophagus line where she has the issue, and it went away in a couple minutes. She has done it a bunch of times since then and she says it is amazing how much it has helped her. She told her PCP yesterday and he was excited and happy to hear the news.