That sounds like an allergic reaction, rather than the thrush (or whatever it is) causing the reaction. I wonder if there's an ingredient that the topical treatments have in common that you reacted poorly to.
I wish there were a straightforward answer to this. How frustrating for you!
t oops -- you were editing about the possibility of an allergic reaction as I was typing this. So toss that possibility.
Andi, I can't remember -- have you tried cortisone cream? Because there might be some inflammation going on there that needs to be healed.
I tried hydrocortisone cream to soothe the reaction from the antifungal cream. It didn't seem to help much. Neither did benedryl cream.
WS, you must be ready to rip your face off at this point. I'm sorry! Is the antibiotic working at all?
Yes, I think it is. It's just a smidge smaller, and more pinkish than reddish.
I ordered garlic, oil of oregano, and olive leaf extract supplements to work against any systemic candida issues, along with a new toothbrush and sls-free toothpaste.
Good! Good idea, too. Lips~ma!
We toured the JCC today and the school there is awesome, as are the other facilities like the gym and pool. We have to read through all the materials they gave us and figure out how we're going to pay for it, but we're definitely leaning toward sending ltc there.
Excellent news, sj. It is good to hear the facility and people were nice.