We got new registers at work. Tocuh screens and there is new software rolling out later this year. I as excited. Over all a good day until the Sour Dour Brigade came in.
Usually they come in separately but today they converged. Tomorrow is a special sale for customers with a certain store credit card. We are pre selling for it. One woman didn't like that and complained about how she didn't want yo come back blah blah it's unfair.
She also commented on how trashy the clothes are now and how inappropriate the kids clothes with the chains and fringe hanging off.
She encountered the woman who thinks the toddler shorts we sell are booty shorts for kids. (These shortshttps://www.belk.com/p/crown-ivy-gingham-shorts-toddler-girls/4101212GT542A.html) and all our girls dresses are trashy and inappropriate and too grown up for a 7 year old (lil e this one [link]
Our store is too crowded am 3rd chimed in (I'll give them that). We should expand (I explained tbere is literally no way to expand or move. And then it was "kids these days" And how dare they close K mart. "I liked Kmart and they just closed it ! What are we supposed to do now!"
They fed this cycle and were there for almost an hour. I was short with them but I was hungry and also it seems that they were looking for things to complain about.
Mostly they hate all the current trends and don't think the store should sell them.
Sounds like a super-fun day, askye. I have to say that I agree with having a problem with the sexualization of little girls' clothes, but those 2 examples are just cute. And clearly K-mart going under is a problem that you could address? Cray-cray.
I don't think they wanted me to address Kmart closing it just got flooded into the rants about how the world sucks today.
Yes there is a problem with sexualization of girls clothes but even the dresses that might seem questionable for a 9 year old look more appropriate on a 13 year old. And we have girls in that age range shopping for the same sizes.
Plus I am ready for my next day off. I worked almost open to close yesterday, did that last week. Plus had scheduled long days and I could use a break.
Someone said we are closed for Easter, which would be nice. My brother and nephwe will be at the beach and Mom will be in FL visiting a friend. I'll go with M to his brother's. And the week after next is vacation. Yay
Um hi. Between eating chocolate and drinking champagne to counteract the tension and drama of several dvr'd Maddow shows in a row, I'm awake at 4 am. Possibly I should try getting some sleep.
I had the same conversation with customers in the late 1990s when I worked at JCPenney. I was probably pretty rude and explained supply and demand to them.
Yesterday was much better. We were busy and shorthanded but 2 of my favorite customers came in and both hugged me. And a couple came in before we got busy and they were a delight. So that was really nice.
That's good to hear, askye.
My son is on his 4th day of the job. So far he had lost his phone and my earbuds because he left them in an unlocked locker, because he left his (my) lock at home. Also same day left his badge at home. He refuses to move until 5 minutes before I have to drive him to work, so he forgets stuff and doesn't pack lunch. Then he is miserable because I am snappin' on him when I mention anything. So over it.
I'll continue to drive him to work because it is a couple minutes from where my exercise class is in the morning. I bought him a monthly rail pass for coming home. After he finishes the month of training he can take a bus both ways because he will be on a different schedule. If I don't kill him before then.
I have a damned headache and my brother is annoying and a friend is throwing a sleepover for her 8YO's b-day and toupee fiasco and ugh! I want to fly to the Florida Keys and nap in a hammock on the beach for like ever.
I just found out that that 13 of my Facebook friends are friends with the ex principal of my high school who sexually assaulted a teenager on a class trip. And I just told my mother and she said "well he gave her a hickey" and I had to explain that that is sexual assault, and now I'm disgusted and annoyed with everyone.