Friend on FB is posting about how bananas have "tons" more sugar now than they did back in the day, so we're "risking diabetes" if we eat them, and by the way, isn't it worrisome that apples are so much bigger than they used to be in the Good Olde Days?
I just want to know, who are these people whose lives are so trouble-free that THIS is what they spend time and energy worrying about?
Right? "Too much fruit" is not going to be a problem for the vast, vast majority of people. And this is largely because if you do eat too much fruit (ie, way more than 1 large apple), your guts will let you know that you chose poorly. (I know there are some people who need a keto diet because it was actually recommended by their doctor, like to prevent seizures, and for them, okay, avoid the giant apple if you have to.)
Now I'm very curious about the experiment! I've not seen that stuff, but most of my group chains are in FB messenger, because we had weird things where the two people without iPhones randomly would not see the messages from the other person. Those with iPhones saw all the messages, and those with android saw the iPhone messages but sometimes not the other android messages. V weird.
(I know there are some people who need a keto diet because it was actually recommended by their doctor, like to prevent seizures, and for them, okay, avoid the giant apple if you have to.)
And again, not actually that hard. Don't buy the Fuji apples as big as your head. Anytime I buy a (pre-packed) bag of apples, they're generally on the small-to-medium side. Stores have ever so many varieties!
There's nothing quite like spending all day taking care of a toddler only to have her slap you across the face when you're trying to put her in her pjs and then tell you that you don't deserve a hug.
Oh dear, you totally deserve hugs.
Oh dear, virtual hugs and massive margaritas (or virtual booze of your choice) coming at you, sj. 'Cuz you more than deserve them.
It's funny that irked me so much, because I've lost a lot of my passion for the Disability Name Game, in favor of "Oh, God, let's just pick one." But people have a way of reminding you how these debates get started in the first place.
Yep. I've been getting into several of those on Twitter lately. I'm mostly on the side of "Abled people need to stop telling disabled people what words to use when talking about disability." Because that seems like something that should be obvious, but it appears that it really isn't.
Also, I am having the most frustrating email thread with my mother and aunt. We all did the DNA testing on (which, big surprise, told us that we're 100% European Jewish), and then I downloaded my data and uploaded it to GEDMatch, which is basically a site for statistics and biology geeks to play around with DNA data. I made a couple cool discoveries with it (like, I was able to isolate a portion of my X chromosome that I can say for certain I inherited from my maternal grandfather, and my sister inherited that same segment from our maternal grandmother), and I told my family about them. My mother and aunt want me to add their DNA to GEDMatch, too. Which, cool -- that'll give me more data to play with! But, anyway, in order for me to do that, they need to give me access to their information on, so that I can download it. This has now been five days of "Can you put my DNA on that website?" "Sure -- you just need to give me access on Ancestry first." "How do I do that?" "[instructions]" ... "Can you put my DNA on that website?" "You didn't give me access on Ancestry yet." "Oh. How do I do that?" I replied to one of my mother's emails with, "Ask Dad to help you give me access," since I know that he knows how to do it, but after five days of this, I still do not have access to either of their files, and they're still asking me if I can upload their data.
By the way, giving me access involves the very complicated procedure of: log in. Click "settings." Scroll down to the bottom of the page. There's a list of names there. Next to my name, click the arrow, and then click "manager."
Have I mentioned that my mother programmed computers that went to the moon? Because she did. She programmed computers that went to the moon. She just can't figure out how to click some buttons on a website.
Oy. My aunt emailed me to say that she'd given me access to her info. I checked Where I used to be able to see her information but not download the raw DNA file, I now can't even see her information.
Thanks, I know she's just tired, and she is happily sleeping now. But it was a long day, and I'm exhausted.