You cannot tell me our paleo ancestors weren't eating honey (banned under paleo) or any kind of high-calorie food they could get their hands on.
"Honest Paleo Diet" by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Friend on FB is posting about how bananas have "tons" more sugar now than they did back in the day, so we're "risking diabetes" if we eat them, and by the way, isn't it worrisome that apples are so much bigger than they used to be in the Good Olde Days?
Very worrisome. This is why I avoid apples and bananas and eat only grilled cheese sandwiches.
Very worrisome. This is why I avoid apples and bananas and eat only grilled cheese sandwiches.
A most excellent plan! I recommend washing it down with red wine to get your fruit quota.
I get all of my plant-based nutrition from coffee.
I'm part of a group text with 6 other women (it's very nice they're including me as a friend; don't get me wrong), and they all have a text habit that seems SUPER weird to me: whenever one of them texts something that another one likes (say, "Great news about your promotion!"), Person 2 (and sometimes 3-5) will reply with a text that reads "Loved 'Great news about your promotion!' "
Is that weird? Or do I just not understand how people do this text thing? (I get that the "loved..." thing is a carryover from being able to love posts/comments on FB, but still. It seems weird as shit to literally spell out that you loved someone's text.)
I would hear Keith David saying "Leonard likes this post" every time.
Tep, they're not actually typing that out. Beginning with iOS 10, you could like, love, etc. a text just like you would on FB. For those that don't have phones capable of parsing it, it will send a text describing the action taken.
Tep, they're not actually typing that out. Beginning with iOS 10, you could like, love, etc. a text just like you would on FB. For those that don't have phones capable of parsing it, it will send a text describing the action taken.
Holy crap. I had no idea. (Also, I have the most recent iOS, so I wonder why my phone doesn't show it.)
Oh, wait...
Loved "Tep, they're not actually typing that out. Beginning with iOS 10, you could like, love, etc. a text just like you would on FB. For those that don't have phones capable of parsing it, it will send a text describing the action taken."
(Sorry.) (Not sorry.)
Seriously, I really thought I was failing at this basic building block of friendship via text by not saying "Loved 'blah blah blah'." I'm relieved to know I'm not THAT bad of a friend. But perplexed to know that I can't figure out how texting works. I need to check my settings.
Interesting. I have not seen a text with 'Loved' so my phone apparently just sends me hearts or something.
Steph, it might be because not everyone does. I think I have your number (ending in ****, which will go poof in a minute) and we can see if it works. I have the latest iOS as well.