Update on not!son: he's been moved to a halfway house that's still part of the corrections system. Better than jail, though, and apparently better food than in jail. I think that this facility should be able to hook him up with employment and housing opportunities when he's released.
It's too bad that it took jail for him to get his shit together. And I hope that he keeps his shit together when he's released.
Some folks insist on learning things the hard way, which tends to be harder on everyone around them too. Ugh. Fingers crossed that he can get himself to take advantage of it.
I really hope that he is on a better path now.
Hope that works out for him, Tep.
May this be the beginning of having his shit together on a full-time basis.
I sure hope so. I'm still keeping myself adjacent to the fray, because I've taken care of too many addicts, and he is not my responsibility. (He's not really Tim's responsibility, either. But at this point, Tim's involvement is just occasional visits and phone calls. I have no problem with that.)
Good boundaries, Steph. You got this.
I support and applaud you in that strategy, Steph. Wise.
My hand surgery is tomorrow. I just had a bit of an "OMG! They're cutting my hand open!" freakout, but I posted in a local EDS group on Facebook and asked if anyone there had had hand surgery with this doctor (several people had), and I asked them to describe the whole procedure, like what happens when you get there and what they do before the surgery and what the room looks like and stuff, and being able to visualize it helped calm me down some. So, yay coping method!
Still kind of nervous, though.