Are you ever angry with yourself for a thing that you have not done, and it's not even hard, and you want it to be done, but you keep on not doing it, and getting angrier and more disgusted with yourself?
Every weekend where I don't call my grandparents. I *hate* phones.
Sorry to hear about the upcoming surgery, sj. Hope you have a smooth recovery. I get "I don't like you, Mama" a lot lately, from both boys. My stock answer is, "Well, I love you." Sometimes guilt gets them, but not often (lol).
You guys, I am out of cope and I need to whine.
I've been sleeping even MORE poorly than usual since November. There was a stressful push for a January deadline, which meant lots of work during the holidays. There was the jet-lag of work travel, the work nonsense sprung on me, even more stress due to slogging through that, I'm having the worst nightmares of my life, and Mr. Loomy has the flu. Oh, and I sprung out of bed this morning because of a cat fight, and had to clean up blood from that. (The siblings aren't getting along.)
I am worn out. I have no reserves. I constantly feel on the he verge of tears. I'm seeing my therapist regularly, but it feels like that's only giving me breathing space for a day.
Please give me hair pats and tell me I'll get through this?
That is a lot, but you will get through it, Atropa.
That's a lot, Atropa. You'll get through this!!!
That's a lot, Atropa. You'll get through this!!!
Atropa, you got this. When you run out of cope it sucks beyond belief but you got this.
Oh Atropa, that is a lot. Many hair pats because you may be out of cope, but you do have very pattable hair.
Hairpats, Atropa. You deserve a break and a rest.
Hairpats to Atropa. Take care of yourself.