I've had success sleeping upright on the couch if I cram enough pillows under my calves that my hips are basically at a 45% angle. It's like fetal position but sitting up.
I did it first after foot surgery to elevate my feet and have done it since with lung issues. Best wishes.
I have done similar, Trudy.
Fuck. I've been in a lot of pain lately, so mostly working from home. Went to the office today, and now I'm literally crying from the pain. That almost never happens. I don't have pain meds besides Advil and Tylenol. I called my doctor for them a week ago, and called again on Friday, but they haven't called back. I can work from home tomorrow, but I do have a lot to do, and I'm really fighting through the pain just to make words work.
I've also done the cram pillows under my legs thing that Trudy suggested.
ION, the drive on my 9 y.o iPod is starting to make a clicking noise when I turn it on or connect it to my laptop. This is ominous, and I'm probably going to need to start looking for a backup, dammit. I don't want an iPod Touch! I just want an iPod that has a lot of storage space and only plays music, is that too much to ask?
I still miss my 40 GB iPod Classic.
Hil, I'm so sorry you are hurting.
Hil, I'm very sorry about the pain.
WS, lots and lots of uncoughing~ma.
Hil, I hope you hear from your doctor soon so you can get some relief.
Thanks, Shir, and everybody. I was able to get a good night's sleep last night.
I already know the answer (call the doctor), but I just want to complain for a minute so people will tell me "Poor baby! No one has known such misery!" (Maybe melodrama will cure me. Who knows?)
I've had this sinus infection for at least 4 weeks, probably 5, and it's possible that's actually a continuation of the sinus infection I had at Christmas, which was only 8 weeks ago. Now that I type all that out, it seems kind of likely.
Anyway. I finished antibiotic #2 yesterday (pray for my microbiome), and I still feel like hammered crap. This is bullshit. And also, I just want to feel better. I'm exhausted all the time, my face hurts all the time, and when I talk, I sound like I'm in a garbage can. Bah. I suspect my doctor will want to see me, which is fine. I feel like at this point, they should culture my snot to see what exactly is camping out in my sinuses so they can treat it properly.
Okay. Again, the proper response is: "Poor baby! No one has known such misery!"
Thank you for indulging my need for melodrama. (But I really do feel horrible. I'm starting to forget what feeling well was even like.)
Sinus pain is the worst, and two months of it is beyond unfair.
Teppy, poor baby! No one has known such misery!
My cough is still with me, no nasal stuffiness, no fever, just a deep kinda wet cough. I messaged my doc about getting Tessalon Perles, which I've taken before. I reminded her that I just had my surgery and am minimally mobile outside my house. I got a response from someone else in the office saying I needed to come in for an appointment. Arrrgggg. So, I'm going to wait it out some more. At least I'm sleeping at night, loud snoring and all.