Hello, my loves. I need to recount some Too Much, as that is the only way I know to get it out of my head and lighten it a touch. So, here we go. Car's in the shop to the tune of $600+ and I'm sick, during a time that is already spendy and low-income (Mardi Gras). Missing another half day of work tomorrow. Mentor is driving me nuts about borrowing tools; I need to stop borrowing them from him for my own mental health but can't afford to buy my own right now.
I just want to walk away from the whole stupid business of business. I'm so tired.
I'm still resentful as hell that I am losing this apartment, though I'm looking forward to having more room and a much saner roommate.
And then, the cherry on this shit sundae of a day... got a text from a friend that another member of our PARADES circle has died unexpectedly. She had moved away and I had unfollowed her on fb, because she had a flair for drama and vague booking that I couldn't take, but she was key in supporting K's family during her illness and I'm very fond of her daughter.
Anyway. There it is. I hate everything, so I'm watching AoS and going to bed very early.