No, Mr. Private Investigator dude, you do not get to knock on my door to ask about an active insurance claim. No, I will not talk with you. No, I will not let you talk to my son. No, no, no. GTFAway.
I don't know why I'm so livid, but SERIOUSLY. This whole claim is ridiculous. I know what my insurance was going to offer back and it was very generous considering the situation. But fuck. GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT.
I have fired off an e-mail to my insurance company. Heck, even if they guy IS from my insurance, my claims gal would have let me know he was coming. And, sadly, I'm so glad Crowley didn't bark during the brief encounter with the dude. Not 5 minutes before, we had gotten our chinese food delivery and he barked really loud at the door bell.
OH, OH, OH...and now you appear at my daughter's place? HELL NO.
I've told her the dragons on the walls are there to protect her, and she has a ton of stuffed animals, but she's not big on them at the moment.
Give her a spray bottle of water and tell her that it's vampire repellant?
I was going to suggest the spray bottle, too. Add a few drops of lavender oil (or other scent), make a label that says "Monster Tamer", and tell her the spray will make ghosts, vampires, and other spooky things play nice and be friendly.
Or, you could show her a photo of me and tell her I'm in the ghost and vampire union, and I'll tell them to be nice to her. I have other friends who've done that with their kidlings. :)
Today it was a monster under the bed. Half the time she wants it to be there and gets mad if you say it's not, and half the time she seems scared. No water bottle. This kid is obsessed with water and splashing. It would be everywhere in seconds.
Jilli, I just showed her a picture of you and told her you said only nice monsters under the bed. And now she says you're Auntie Jilli.
Three cheers for Auntie Jilli the long distance monster tamer!
Too bad that mojo won't work on private dicks.
When Hubby ran the game store, they got a giant display of a snarling D&D monster. A couple of people were afraid it would scare the kids, but the littlest ones kept running up to it laughing and going "Grrr!" We sold several of them to put in bedrooms because the kids knew it would keep the bad monsters away.
Eeee! Oh, I'm so delighted to be her bedtime monster wrangler.