Tough love does not mean stopping being compassionate and kind. Below zero is seriously cold.
As a birthday present for DH I got tickets for all of us to go see Jumanji tonight. The original came out in 1995 when my kids were at the age that you watch a movie dozens of times, at least. It was important to me that I see it with the "kids". A good time was had by all. We are going to rewatch the original together too. The theater comfy recliners and 3D stuff is nice, but I do miss that pause button.
I can't wait to see Jumanji! We just haven't had time with the holidays. Maybe this coming weekend.
Jumanji was absolutely awesome. I won't see it as many times as I did the first one, because no little kids around, but I look forward to seeing it again. Each and every one of the actors rocked. It was utterly satisfying.
Morning article that made me giggle. [link]
I could use some ~ma to get my medical supplies delivered this week. I've been dealing with bureaucratic hell for a couple weeks trying to get them, and the situation is getting desperate. I want to smite everyone right now.
So much ~ma, sj. It is just cruel the hoops we have to jump through for medical needs.
Steph, I actually was thinking about not-son yesterday. Thank you for updating about him. FYI the local winter shelters are open, and CRC has announced that they are open to all as day shelters right now given the weather conditions. In case you need a safe referral.
FYI the local winter shelters are open
Thank god. This weather is ridiculous. I'm fine with letting not!son crash here until the weekend, since the weather is going to go back up into the 40s then. But using us as a crash space whenever it dips below freezing is not a viable ongoing solution. Though he already nixed going to a shelter back in October. I wonder if he would change his tune now?
Ugh Steph, I feel for you. I totally understand why you are letting not-son crash there during the cold spell. Cold wave? Why does heat hit in a wave and cold comes as a spell?
sj, lots of supplies~ma for you.