I got home. Worried ahout icy patch mostlt because if it being worse tonight. Attempted to go to work but my car is stuck where i parked it. So i had to call out.
I've acted nervous and anxious this week and obsessed with this meaning I wont be kwpt on after Xmas which is making things worse. I like this job. I want to do well at it. I just nees my brain to shut up.
Job stress is tough, askye.
It's not just the actual job but my anxiety weasel brain has me convinced if this fails it means I'll fail at every job.
And it feels like harder to pretend I'm neurotypical all day at work so I'm hyper aware of certain deficits I have which makes me self conscious and that makes it feel bigger than it probably is. So then I overthink things.
I can see how that can happen. Work stress is hard, and then the brain weasels turn hard into galactic calamity.
I made it to therapy but getting my car out was difficult. The front tires are bad and one is worse than I realized. My therapist wanted to see me again this week but I told him trying to get there would add to my stress so I may do a Skype sessions later this week.
Then I went to the tire shop in town and I'm getting new tires tomorrow. I still need to make an appointment with the Dr about peri menopause.
I'm sick of finals. Still grading (though almost done), still need to deal with emails from a whole bunch of students who don't like their grades. I get so stressed out with having to make all these decisions for everybody.
I need my wrist brace, and I can't find it, and I'm having a panic attack from not being able to find it.
I hate finals week.
I know I wore the wrist brace when I went out. And then I came back home. And I had to have taken it off before I got changed into pajamas, because I can't get changed with the brace on. So there are a limited number of places that it could be. And I can't find it in any of those places.
Did it maybe fall into something like your purse or another bag?
I checked my backpack (which I brought with me to my appointment) and the pockets of my jacket (where I keep the brace for the other wrist, since I don't usually need it except when I'm writing a lot, so I keep it in my jacket pocket, so I'll have it at work.) Not between the couch cushions. Not tangled in the blanket on my bed, or the one on my couch. All the things on the floor that kind of look like they might be a wrist brace are, in fact, black socks.