There have been no posts in here for over 3 days? That's not cool. Not that I have anything to add to the conversation. Huh.
Yes, a big part of the reason I have a roommate is to help me sleep better! When there's someone else in the house my brain attributes all noises to them. If they aren't home, all noises are clearly murderers come to get me.
I should say that I had some difficulty getting to sleep last night and this conversation came to mind. Not that I was hearing any noises, and if I were, I could blame the cat. The house just felt very empty for some reason last night. I comforted myself with thoughts of my alarm and got to sleep eventually.
I didn't actually have trouble going to sleep last night. I just...didn't, until after midnight. At which point I cursed myself because I had to get up at 6AM, and then went to sleep. WTF self. Not good self-care.
Aren't you just back from a many-time-zones-away trip, meara? That'll mess you up for a while, sleep-wise, from what I understand.
Yeah, but I managed to get 8-9 hours sleep on Sunday night (after being mostly awake for like, 36 hours) and feel fine all day Monday. I was just reading and procrastinating and blah blah don't wanna think about work...
Well, still, your body is probably all confused about what time it is and when it is supposed to be asleep.
Not!son had his court date today for his DUI. Apparently in Ohio, it's an automatic 45-day suspension of your license (which, you know, I don't disagree with). He's 15 days into it, so he has 30 days to go. Still working with Tim, still living in his car (but not in our driveway).
And -- I am not making this up -- his dog died this morning (the dog had been living at the GF's mother's house with the GF and little girls). Tim says that not!son has the worst luck of anyone he knows, and I generally DISagree, because I think his poor "luck" is just the natural consequences of poor choices. But his dog dying is really sad.
So I told Tim to bring him home after work tomorrow and I would make a big vat of chili and corn muffins and he could get a good hot meal. And he can take a shower if he wants one. But he isn't sleeping on the couch. That's where I draw the line. But I do feel really bad about his dog. So, chili.
If that's enabling, I'm okay with that. But I don't think it's enabling. I think it's a meal.
Being kind is not the same as enabling. Well defined lines are a good thing. Also, sucks about the dog. And he can't even mourn with GF and kids, which is tough.
I think that's a perfectly cromulent line to draw Steph. It's not that you don't care for him, you are both honestly doing what you need to do to keep yourselves safe and sane while helping him in the way that you can. A full belly and a shower is a very good thing.
ND - congrats to you and Pix on the house! Very cool. I love the backyard space!
Sad about the dog. A good meal and a shower is a kindness.
Congratulations on the house, Pix and ND!