It's hard to stay at a job that makes you miserable, and especially a commute that makes you miserable. But I get why it's scary.
Warning about the restaurant, all my restauranteur friends tell me that you work crazy hours, miss out on holidays and family weekends, so that may not solve your time issues. But it may give you something to do that you love doing.
all my restauranteur friends tell me that you work crazy hours, miss out on holidays and family weekends, so that may not solve your time issues.
Totally true from everything I've heard too. But at least it would be in town...
OH! I forgot to add: think about it for another week or two, but I think taking the package is smart.
Argh. Ordered shoes at Nordstrom, after trying a pair on and liking them but not in the color they had available. ...just got the shipping confirmation and realized the dude ordered me a pair in the same color I tried on. Dude, if I wanted that I would've walked out the store with them! Called up Nordies and they're going to see if the can get the shipper to just return the package without delivering. Harrumph.
Our new couch, love seat and rug arrived this week while the DH was away in Tokyo. He got back last night and this afternoon we spent an hour or so figuring out a furniture arrangement that will work in our living room. Since the room has a tile floor (kind of a beige terrazzo), I was worried about it being cold-feeling, but the new rug really cozies it up. [link]
I am so happy to have a living room again after six weeks!
Severance is a good thing. Obviously, I am in favor of leaving sure things that are making you miserable for uncertain things that are likely to make you happier. Midlife is a perfectly cromulent time to have a crisis, and the severance gives you a reasonable financial footing in which to have it. You might check out some books like Simon Sinek's "Start With Why" to see if you can't suss out a path you might like to explore.
Yay for new furniture and rug! I loved our tile floors in the end, and they were very handy for the pup. The new house is all hardwood, and then tile in the kitchen and bathroom.
Hope that works out, meara. Silly salesperson.
Pretty, Scrappy! I'm sure it will really tie the room together. (I can't help it, it's a sickness)
-t, that's just what we said about it. :)
I think severance and making the best choice for your health and family is a good thing.
Although I'm 44 and returning to work in retail so there is that.
I do like my job and I'm glad I took this job. I got my first survey compliment!
Also the Ritilan seems to be making a difference.