Ugh, Jessica. Though, now the odds are high that A will become best friends with that person's kid cause life is cruel.
Cassie's (foster dog) adoptive family has pushed back picking her up again, so I have her one more night. She is a total love bug, so I don't mind. But she has issues with remembering to pee outside. I mean, she will pee outside, but 5 minutes later she will also pee inside. She hasn't pooped inside, so I'm not sure what is up.
Trying to mark territory?
Though, now the odds are high that A will become best friends with that person's kid cause life is cruel.
I unfriended my closest local friend, but not her son who went to school with my son. A bit awkward when we both comment on his stuff, but he is not insane so I kept him. I still text and hang with friend, but no FB anymore. I don't even know where she stands on the POS in the White House at this point because it is a forbidden topic.
Ugh is right, Jess.
ltc is home, fed, and napping. She was having so much fun on the slide when I got there that I bribed her with my phone to get her home. Nap now, then inlaws.
All condolences, Consuela and family.
Oh, so sorry, Consuela and family. Much peace and comfort to you all.
Consuela, that's just tragic and unthinkable. I'm so sorry for your family.
Consuela, that's horrible. I'm so sorry for you and your family.
I'm about to pull the trigger on another 5k, I think, by myself again (my friend was interested, but the timing isn't working for her). It's called the Aloha Run and the medal has a turtle and a mermaid.
(It's possible that my state of mind is such that the mermaid is what's making up my mind for me).
I've been torn because it's the same weekend as Who Con and I didn't want to have to choose. But I think I've talked myself into trying to do both. I feel like the last few months...years...?...when my mom is hospitalized my life is all Work and the Hospital/Rehab, and when she's not hospitalized my life is all Work and my DVR. I live inside my head too much (even to the point of hardly posting here), and I think I need to Get Out Among the Humans more. I have another 5k the following weekend (Bubble Run, with friends), and I'm probably going to see In the Heights (LMM's previous show) the next weekend as well, but I'm trying not to let the prospect of being physically & mentally tired out stop me.
I think I was already in Say Yes to More Things mode (in theory), but I just wandered over to one of the Goodbye & Good Riddance threads and I was reading about other peoples' travel and whatnot and it's really reinforcing that I need to Get Out There more, even if just locally (and here) to start. Anyway, just felt like sharing that with you guys. So many of you will Get It better than my local crew.