Thanks everyone. I finally started feeling better. I still feel on edge. I really want to get my haircut but I don't have the patience to deal with that. I'm going to cancel my Drs appointment and try to get things done.
I leave cabinet doors open and so does my Dad. Annoys mom but Dad always left them open because when he was growing up my grandfather was a prison guard often on the night shift. If anyone in the house closed the cabinets during the day and work him up...he didn't hit but he would yell and demean everyone . My grandfather was 6'4" So physically imposing .
I picked up the habit from dad.
Cabinets and drawers left open makes me insane. I had more than one heated discussion on the subject with DH#2. Frankly, after he was gone I reexamined what was worth getting upset about. I am so much more chill.
Cabinets and drawers need to be closed. I used to not care, but now if I go in the kitchen or any other room that has such I just close them. I don't get upset about anything left open by anyone else in the house cause it only takes a blink to close them.
When CJ was young enough that he was still in a high chair, he had a major fixation on needing all cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. He would point and fuss until whatever thing was open got closed. He wouldn't eat, no matter how hungry, until someone got up and fixed the offending cabinet. We did have one that would slowly open on its own and that was often the main offender. Now he doesn't care a bit.
Open cabinets drive me nuts. I usually just close them and don't make an issue of it.
Oh and yes, Kelly's boyfriend has officially asked for my blessing for him to ask for her hand in marriage. There is a plan in place for next week with a secret celebratory party at a local brewery after. He is also conspiring with her best friend, who will be out here next week.
Now I just have to keep it cool for 8 more days. Her bf is horrible about secrets. He gets so excited and will share every detail with anyone other than the person who is the focus of the secret.
I am pretty good about vacuuming and keeping the bathrooms and kitchen clean. DH is pretty good about periodically getting fed up with the piles of paper and going on an organizing/shredding spree. Between the two of us we manage to keep the house more or less not a total sty.
I need to do a bunch of shredding.
Feds closing in?
Shelf of papers getting full. I don't like leaving credit card applications with my name on them in the trash