If you want to, think about coming over this way soon, and we can raise a few glasses to ... whatever you like!
I was over your way two weeks ago, when I went to get my Italian passport renewed. Ended up doing some work from a Starbucks on DeKalb Pike.
How is September looking for you?
Good luck with the first date, smonster!
It's basically, you're too lazy to try to keep looking for the right person what with it taking more effort to be out and about during a blustery winter season. But come springtime, see ya later winter cuddler.
I think I'm incapable of doing that. I seem to be built for LTR. I fall too quickly, which is not a problem if the other person feels the same way, but it's hell on earth when it's not reciprocated and it takes me ages to recover. I made it a bit easier on myself by making myself less emotionally available/invested when someone expresses interest, but if they get past that part...
Andi, that's a lovely dream, and I would totally live in that building, just for you and smonster.
Oh, I want to live there too! Excellent dreaming.
There must have been some serious magic in that building because the furniture in the attic was a bit dusty but otherwise not nasty and musty. It would be a fine place for Buffistas to colonize. The beach out back seemed to be designed to be safe for kids, and with the kind of community we were building, it would be great for people of all ages. Gotta say, we'd have to put some work into making it accessible, though. Also, somebody's going to have to do something about the two 70s green gas stoves that were randomly placed in non-kitchen rooms (our kitchen had a nice white stove).
I am not allowed to stress buy any more geeky tshirts. I just was reorganizing my dresser drawers and had to organize them into two different draws. One for shirts long enough to wear with leggings for working out and ones that aren't
Thanks for the support, y'all. This last "episode" started Tuesday evening, I had a therapy massage just on that hip Wednesday morning and then worked at my desk all day. After work I took a muscle relaxant, got snuggled on the couch with a heating pad and slept like the dead. Apparently Kelly stopped by, gave me a hug, covered me with a blanket because I was fussing about being cold, and I honestly thought I had dreamt seeing her. When I woke up, I did "butt stretches" which were the good kind of ouch but my hip still wasn't happy when I was done. I did sleep last night without any extra meds and today I'm working from my bed instead of my desk. I'm trying to see if it is is my relatively new chair that is exacerbating the problem. I see my PT this afternoon and I'm going to see if she will needle it again.
I have TOO MUCH TO DO. I did suck it up and asked the kids to come over for a few hours on the weekend to help with some clean up/reorganization/yard work that needs to get done and I just haven't been able to do it.
I would totally want to visit Buffista Beach.
I think that comes with Buffista Island.
Today was tit-squish and bone-density-test day. yay. My joints still hurt from the twisting and holding weird positions. Here's hoping everything is clear and I'm not about to crumble into dust.
Thanks for the reminder, Connie. I did that a while back and got the all clear letter regarding the tatas, but haven't heard a peep about my bones. Which I'll take as no news is good news, but I should check anyway.
Nuts, I'm overdue for a mammogram. However, I *am* getting an echocardiogram Tuesday. My mom's heart surgery was to repair an aortic aneurysm that was caused by a bicuspid valve (she also had the valve replaced). Apparently bicuspid valves can be genetic, so her heart surgeon recommended that my brother and I (and my aunts) have an echocardiogram to see if we have a bicuspid valve. Fingers crossed that I don't, though!